Scoliosis is a very common condition that causes a sideways curvature of the spine. The condition typically occurs during growth spurts just prior to puberty. If you feel you may have scoliosis, you should check with scoliosis doctors in NYC. Dr. Han Jo Kim is an educated professional located in this area that specializes in correcting scoliosis in patients.
Causes of Scoliosis:
The Mayo Clinic states that the most common cause of scoliosis remains to be unknown. Researchers feel it may involve hereditary factors; considering it seems to appear commonly in families. Less common types of scoliosis can result from neuromuscular conditions. For example, cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy. Birth defects that may have occurred during the development of the spine and injuries to the spine are believed to be a factor that results in this condition.
What are Signs of Scoliosis?
Besides the most common sign of scoliosis; leaning while you stand, there are a large number of other signs/ symptoms. Some of the most common signs are:
- A visible curve in back
- Shoulders, waist, and hip can look uneven
- One shoulder bald may look bigger than the other side
- Ribs stick out on one side of the body
Not only are there visible symptoms to scoliosis, but there are physical ones as well. Someone suffering from scoliosis is commonly affected by back stiffness and lower back pain. Scoliosis can result in pinched nerves; leading to numbness in one’s legs. Lastly, fatigue is a common sign of scoliosis as well due to muscle strains. If you are experiencing any of these signs you should definitely contact Dr. Han Jo Kim.
Many children are checked for scoliosis at their annual pediatrician visits. This is done by the child leaning over from the waist, so the doctor can check for a curve. The doctor will most likely prescribe an x-ray or MRI to confirm a diagnosis.
Most commonly, children with scoliosis will wear a brace on a daily basis. The brace will not cure this condition or fix previous damage. Instead, it prevents the spine from curving anymore than it already has. The braces are worn both day and night; and are also contoured to fit each child’s body perfectly. The brace is worn until the child completes puberty, and will not grow anymore.
If the severity of the scoliosis is high, a doctor will probably recommend surgery. The surgery will allow the severity of the curve in the spine to be stopped. The most common type of scoliosis surgery is known as a spinal fusion. The spinal fusion is one of Dr. Han Jo Kim’s most well mastered surgeries he performs on his scoliosis patients.
Risk Factors
Research shows some risk factors that can increase one’s chances of having this condition.
- Age: Signs typically arise right before puberty
- Gender: Both males and females develop this condition at the same rate; females have a higher risk of the curve worsening
- Family history: Can run in the family
Give Us A Call Today
Dr. Han Jo Kim also provides a section on his website that allows you to read reviews from his past patients. All of the patients had a great experience with him and wanted to share their stories. The stories range from spine revision surgery to spine fusion, and of course scoliosis.
You should take a look at these stories and see how they relate to you. It may allow you to feel more comfortable and confident about your condition. Reading about others who may have had the same condition as you, and overcame many obstacles will definitely help. After seeing how Dr. Han Jo Kim’s patients thrived after treatment/surgery, you will feel less fearful of any treatments you plan on receiving in the future.
Contact Our Scoliosis Doctors in NYC!
If you suffer from any of these symptoms or have any questions about treatment; feel free to contact Dr. Han Jo Kim. Dr. Han Jo Kim has offices located on Long Island and NYC. His main focus for all of his patients to recover fully from all their spine ailments, and feel better than ever. The services he specializes in are cervical spine surgery, scoliosis surgery, and spinal deformity surgery. Besides excelling in all of those areas, one can see that he has won multiple awards since 2005 on his website as well. His office accepts a large variety of different insurances; to help provide aid and treatment to as many patients as he can.