Top Cervical Spine Surgeons NYC
Due to spinal surgery’s extreme invasiveness, this form of treatment should first be considered when all others have failed to deliver the desired results. Dr. Kim Top Cervical Spine Surgeons NYC understands this and will never rush to force a patient to undergo a procedure. However, he also understands that waiting too long to operate can have permanent ramifications on a patient’s health. Those dealing with the below symptoms who have been unable to find relief should seriously consider the surgical approach for healing and recovery:
- Neck pain.
- Tingling.
- Numbness.
- Weakness.
- Suspected nerve impingement or damage.
See Our Latest Success Story

Causes Of Cervical Spine Problems
The most common causes of cervical spine problems are injuries and degenerative disc disease. Other conditions may also cause cervical spine problems, including tumors, infections, or congenital abnormalities. Whatever the origin of your pain in this area of your spine, you can find relief. Here is some information that will help you understand your condition, know what treatments to consider, and decide whether spine surgery is right for you. Contact Dr. Han Jo Kim Top Cervical Spine Surgeons NYC, for more information on how he can help your cervical spine problem!

Injuries can damage the neck’s soft tissues and lead to cervical spine problems. Common traumatic neck injuries include whiplash, a result of an abrupt jerking motion that puts too much pressure on the discs in your neck. Sports injuries are another common source of cervical spine problems, particularly in contact sports like football and hockey.
Causes Of Cervical Spine Problems
Degenerative disc disease is another common cause of cervical spine problems. This condition occurs as your body ages, when the discs between the vertebrae break down with wear and tear. As these discs collapse, they create pain and inflammation that can lead to chronic neck pain. Other conditions may also be responsible for cervical spine problems; tumors or infections can damage nerves and compress bones in this area of your spine, creating pressure on your spinal cord or nerve roots. In some cases, congenital defects present at birth may make you more prone to developing cervical spine problems as you age.
No matter what symptoms you experience or which conditions are responsible for your pain, you can find relief. Your treatment options depend on the severity and location of your neck pain, along with other factors like whether your spine is also unstable or if spinal cord compression is occurring. Options include medications, physical therapy, injections and surgeries to remove damaged discs or fuse bones together.
If you suffer from a cervical spine problem, you must understand your options to choose the right treatment for you. Talk to our Top Cervical Spine Surgeons NYC about what might be causing your pain, what treatments are available to relieve your symptoms, and whether surgery may help treat the cause of your condition as well as its effects. With the right treatment plan for managing cervical spine problems, you can start feeling better and enjoy the activities you love.
How Our Top Cervical Spine Surgeons NYC Can Help!
The causes of cervical spine problems are diverse and may vary widely from person to person. The most common causes include injuries, degenerative disc disease, tumors or infections, and congenital defects. No matter what is causing your pain, you can find relief from this often debilitating condition with the right diagnosis and treatment plan. Talk to our spine doctors in about how to manage your cervical spine problem today.
If you have been diagnosed with a cervical spine problem, it is important to understand the possible causes so that you can choose the right treatment for your needs. The most common causes include injuries, degenerative disc disease, tumors or infections, and congenital defects. You can relieve your pain and start enjoying life again with appropriate diagnosis and treatment. Talk to spine doctors about your options today to learn more about successfully treating cervical spine problems.
If you have been diagnosed with a cervical spine problem, it is important to understand the possible causes so that you can choose the right treatment for your needs. The most common causes include injuries, degenerative disc disease, tumors or infections, and congenital defects. With appropriate diagnosis and treatment, you can relieve your pain and start enjoying life again. Talk to a doctor about your options today to learn more about treating cervical spine problems successfully.
Although the causes of cervical spine problems can vary widely from person to person, there are a few common culprits that may be responsible for your pain. The most common include injuries, degenerative disc disease, tumors or infections, and congenital defects. With an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan in place, you can start feeling better and keep doing the things you love. Talk to your doctor about getting help managing your cervical spine problem today.
Dr. Han Jo Kim | Top Cervical Spine Surgeons NYC
If you’re suffering from a cervical spine problem, many possible causes can be to blame. The most common culprits are injuries, degenerative conditions, tumors or infections, and congenital defects. With an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan in place, you can start feeling better and keep doing the things you love. Talk to your doctor about managing your cervical spine problem today for relief from your pain effectively. Contact Dr. Han Jo Kim Top Cervical Spine Surgeons NYC for more information on how he can help your cervical spine problem!
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New York, NY 10021
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What is Cervical Osteotomy?
An osteotomy is a general word for a surgical technique. More specifically, an osteotomy involves cutting and reshaping a bone. A surgeon can complete this type of surgery in various locations such as the big toe, chin, hip, jaw, knee, and spine. People of all ages can receive an osteotomy to prevent a more significant surgery down the road, such as a knee or hip replacement. Dr. Han Jo Kim has years of experience performing cervical osteotomies. If you need a back doctor, see our Top Cervical Spine Surgeons NYC to receive a diagnosis and treatment that will get you back to feeling better in no time.
Back Structure

The back contains 33 vertebrae which is the name for the bones that make up the back. There are five regions of the back: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, and coccyx. The vertebrae within these regions have numbers and names based on their location. The joint that connects each vertebrate is called a facet joint which helps provide movement in the back.
Additionally, there are discs in the back in between each vertebrate. Discs are almost like a jelly donut in between the vertebrate. They have a denser outer layer and a soft, liquid-like center. The disc protects the vertebrae from rubbing against one another, especially when external pressures such as movement occur. If there is an issue with a disc that causes the vertebrae to rub against one another, this can be extremely painful. While injuries are relatively common within the back, many back conditions are present from birth and involve growth defects.
Scoliosis is the most common of these conditions. Its associated effects impact people’s ability to walk and complete daily functions. Certain deformities like scoliosis may require surgery to fix the back’s structure and relieve pain. Severe arthritis is another condition that can cause serious problems regarding the alignment of the back. Kyphosis is the excessive curvature within the back, typically towards the cervical region. This curvature can severely impact posture and cause significant pain, especially if it worsens as you age. Kyphosis is a severe curvature that requires surgery to aid mobility, posture, and pain relief. Conditions that impact the curvature and alignment of the back may require a cervical osteotomy from our Top Cervical Spine Surgeons NYC.
Osteotomy Procedure
Various osteotomy procedures can be done for the back, depending on where the issue is. The cervical osteotomy procedure with the most significant correction is a vertebral column resection. This surgical procedure involves removing one of the 33 vertebrae in the back to help correct the alignment of the back. Additionally, the surgeon will fuse the vertebrae to a metal cage or graft after the removal of the bone. Again, there are other types of cervical osteotomies. However, this specific osteotomy has the most significant correction, depending on where your back is curved and needs improved alignment. Our Top Cervical Spine Surgeons NYC are here to help you and your back. Whether you think you may need a cervical osteotomy or another form of surgery, we are here to help diagnose you and come up with and administer the best treatment possible.
Because osteotomy is a significant surgery, the recovery process may take longer and require more steps. After a cervical osteotomy, it is necessary to take time to rest first. You will likely remain in the hospital for a few days for monitoring. Doctors like to watch over their patients after significant back surgery to ensure there are no adverse symptoms associated with the surgery and to ensure they receive the care necessary post-operation. You can walk after the surgery if your body allows you to. Most people, however, do not end up walking right away due to pain and discomfort from the surgery.
After some rest, we do recommend physical therapy. A physical therapy office with experience helping those recover from spinal injuries and surgeries would be best for your recovery. Spinal surgeries can be very dangerous, and the steps you take during recovery can determine your outcome. Going to a specialized physical therapy office will help you recover. Our Back Pain Doctor in Connecticut will walk you through the necessary steps and requirements after receiving surgery.
Han Jo Kim – Top Cervical Spine Surgeons NYC
A cervical osteotomy may be the proper procedure for you if you have a severe cervical spine deformation. Dr. Han Jo Kim has excellent success performing cervical osteotomies due to his training and years of experience. Our Top Cervical Spine Surgeons NYC will ensure you get the treatment you need with the best results. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation with our experts.
How Can I Strengthen My Cervical Spine?
Your cervical spine is a delicate area. Normally, surgery is needed to repair it, such as a Top Cervical Spine Surgeons NYC like Dr. Han Jo Kim. However, the cervical spine can be strengthened to prevent this occurrence.
What Is The Cervical Spine?

The cervical spine is a large portion of the spine encompassing the neck. For those interested in anatomy, it is composed of C1 to C7 vertebrae. These vertebrae are separated from each other by intervertebral discs. These discs allow the spine to move freely and act as shock absorbers during employment, sports, or any activity.
On each vertebral body is a bone arch forming a hollow, continuous, longitudinal space. This space runs the entire length of the back. The name for this is the spinal canal, which is the area through which the spinal cord and nerve bundles pass. The spinal cord itself is suspended in cerebrospinal fluid and surrounded (protected) by three layers called the meninges: the dura, arachnoid, and pia mater.
Breaking or tearing anything along the cervical spine can be horrible. An injury here can cause paralysis below the neck. This is currently incurable with modern medicine, so strengthening the area is the best bet.
Strengthening The Cervical Spine
Much of the neck is a muscle that loosely supports the cervical spine. Further, research on tennis players indicates that bones usually strengthen (enlargen and become denser) from exercise. Therefore, exercising is virtually a no-brainer. Exercising these areas might even relieve some neck pain, as improved posture eases stress on nerves.
One exercise anyone can do is called the “chin tuck .”Often used as an effective way to combat neck pain, the exercise helps strengthen muscles that pull the head back into alignment over the shoulders. It also stretches the scalene and suboccipital muscles. Performing this exercise is simple. It is important to perform this exercise when the neck and shoulder blades begin to hurt.
It is recommended that patients stand with their spine up against a door jamb and feet about three inches from the bottom of the door jamb. Then, keeping the spine against the door jamb, pull the upper back and head backward until your head touches the door jamb. It is important to remember to make sure that the chin is down, allowing the head to be pulled straight back and not looking up. Then, hold the head against the door jamb for five seconds. It is recommended that the patient repeats this ten times.
Han Jo Kim – Top Cervical Spine Surgeons NYC
The muscles in the front of the neck and upper back are usually weak for most people. Therefore, they are, by default, the muscles that need to be stretched and strengthened. However, they will get stronger eventually. Soon enough, once the patient is ready, the chin tuck exercise can be done without a door jamb. This means that they now have the option to do it standing or sitting.
Chin tucks should be done five to seven times a day. They are very easy to do and hence can be completed in an idling car or at a desk during work. Repeating this exercise will encourage good posture. If a patient has excessive forward head posture, they may not be able to pull their head back to the door jamb when first beginning. If this occurs, pull the head back as far as possible before feeling pain.
Some other exercises patients may try are any weightlifting that strengthens the neck or back and other stretches. One stretch, in particular, the “side bending” stretch, is also very simple to do. Just bend your ear toward your right shoulder while looking straight ahead. Then, hold that pose for twenty seconds and alternate. Similarly, the “rotation” stretch can also be used. It involves turning to look over your right shoulder, holding the pose, then switching sides. Using the hand to apply more pressure on the chin will help stretch farther.
Visit Han Jo Kim – A Top Cervical Spine Surgeons NYC
For some, surgery may be the best option if already injured. A Top Cervical Spine Surgeons NYC such as Dr. Han Jo Kim works wonders. Most patients receive cervical spine surgery when they have: neck pain, tingling, numbness, weakness, or suspected nerve damage. These issues usually result from disc problems, trauma, spine instability, or cervical deformities. Sometimes, the disc is removed, fused, or graphed. If those are not possible, a metal plate is used. The surgery is very safe.
Though the cervical spine may seem vulnerable to a lot, it can be strengthened. Try some of these exercises today to live a long and healthy life! However, if you’re already suffering, a Top Cervical Spine Surgeons NYC such as Dr. Han Jo Kim can perform life-altering surgery. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!
Dr. Han Jo Kim | Orthopedic Spine Surgeon NYC
If you’re experiencing back pain, neck pain, or other spine-related issues, seeking the expertise of a spine surgeon is crucial. Dr. Han Jo Kim, MD, a cervical spine surgeon in NYC, offers unparalleled care and advanced treatment options.
What is the Role of a Spine Surgeon?
A spine surgeon specializes in diagnosing and treating spine conditions through surgical and non-surgical methods. These highly trained professionals handle various spinal issues, from degenerative disc disease to complex deformities.
Why is Cervical Spine Health Important?
The cervical spine, located in the neck, is a critical part of your overall spinal health. It supports the head, protects the spinal cord, and enables a wide range of movements. Maintaining a healthy cervical spine is essential for preventing neck pain and ensuring proper nerve function throughout the body.
How Can Cervical Spine Surgery Help?
Cervical spine surgery can address various issues, such as herniated discs, spinal stenosis, and cervical spondylosis. These procedures, including minimally invasive techniques, aim to relieve pain, restore function, and improve the quality of life for patients suffering from cervical spine problems.
Cervical Spine Surgery
Dr. Han Jo Kim is renowned for his expertise in cervical spine surgery. He specializes in both minimally invasive procedures and complex spinal surgeries, ensuring that patients receive the most effective treatment for their specific conditions.
What Conditions Does Dr. Kim Treat?
Dr. Kim treats a wide range of spine conditions, including:
- Degenerative Disc Disease: A common cause of back and neck pain.
- Herniated Discs: A condition where the disc material presses on nerves, causing pain and discomfort.
- Spinal Stenosis: Narrowing of the spinal canal that can lead to nerve compression.
- Cervical Spondylosis: Age-related wear and tear affecting the cervical spine.
- Spinal Deformities: Including scoliosis and kyphosis.
What Can You Expect During a Consultation?
During your consultation with Dr. Kim, you will receive a thorough evaluation of your spine health. He will review your medical history, conduct a physical examination, and may order imaging tests to diagnose your condition accurately. Based on this assessment, Dr. Kim will recommend a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs.
How Does Dr. Kim Approach Treatment?
Dr. Kim’s approach to treatment is patient-centered and evidence-based. He combines his expertise in spinal surgery with a deep understanding of each patient’s unique needs. Whether it’s a non-surgical intervention or a complex surgical procedure, Dr. Kim ensures that every patient receives the highest level of care.
What Do Patients Say About Dr. Kim?
Patient reviews highlight Dr. Kim’s professionalism, expertise, and compassionate approach. Many patients have experienced significant relief from neck and back pain after treatment and highly recommend Dr. Kim for anyone seeking top-quality spine care in NYC.
Trust Your Spine Health to Dr. Han Jo Kim
Your spine health is crucial for maintaining overall well-being and quality of life. Dr. Han Jo Kim, a cervical spine surgeon in NYC, offers expert care and advanced treatment options to help you overcome spine-related issues. Whether you’re dealing with back pain, neck pain, or other spinal problems, Dr. Kim’s comprehensive approach ensures that you receive the best possible care. Schedule a consultation today to take the first step toward a pain-free life and optimal spine health.
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