Spine Specialist New York

Your cervical spine is a delicate area. Normally, surgery is needed to repair it, such as a spine specialist New York like Dr. Han Jo Kim. However, the cervical spine can be strengthened to prevent this occurrence.

What Is The Cervical Spine?

The cervical spine is a large portion of the spine encompassing the neck. For those interested in anatomy, it is composed of C1 to C7 vertebrae. These vertebrae are separated from each other by intervertebral discs. These discs allow the spine to move freely and act as shock absorbers during employment, sports, or any activity.

On each vertebral body is a bone arch forming a hollow, continuous, longitudinal space. This space runs the entire length of the back. The name for this is the spinal canal, which is the area through which the spinal cord and nerve bundles pass. The spinal cord itself is suspended in cerebrospinal fluid and surrounded (protected) by three layers called the meninges: the dura, arachnoid, and pia mater. 

Breaking or tearing anything along the cervical spine can be horrible. An injury here can cause paralysis below the neck. This is currently incurable with modern medicine, so strengthening the area is the best bet.

Strengthening The Cervical Spine

Much of the neck is a muscle that loosely supports the cervical spine. Further, research on tennis players indicates that bones usually strengthen (enlargen and become denser) from exercise. Therefore, exercising is virtually a no-brainer. Exercising these areas might even relieve some neck pain, as improved posture eases stress on nerves.

One exercise anyone can do is called the “chin tuck .”Often used as an effective way to combat neck pain, the exercise helps strengthen muscles that pull the head back into alignment over the shoulders. It also stretches the scalene and suboccipital muscles. Performing this exercise is simple. It is important to perform this exercise when the neck and shoulder blades begin to hurt.

It is recommended that patients stand with their spine up against a door jamb and feet about three inches from the bottom of the door jamb. Then, keeping the spine against the door jamb, pull the upper back and head backward until your head touches the door jamb. It is important to remember to make sure that the chin is down, allowing the head to be pulled straight back and not looking up. Then, hold the head against the door jamb for five seconds. It is recommended that the patient repeats this ten times.

Han Jo Kim – Spine Specialist New York

The muscles in the front of the neck and upper back are usually weak for most people. Therefore, they are, by default, the muscles that need to be stretched and strengthened. However, they will get stronger eventually. Soon enough, once the patient is ready, the chin tuck exercise can be done without a door jamb. This means that they now have the option to do it standing or sitting. 

Chin tucks should be done five to seven times a day. They are very easy to do and hence can be completed in an idling car or at a desk during work. Repeating this exercise will encourage good posture. If a patient has excessive forward head posture, they may not be able to pull their head back to the door jamb when first beginning. If this occurs, pull the head back as far as possible before feeling pain.

Some other exercises patients may try are any weightlifting that strengthens the neck or back and other stretches. One stretch, in particular, the “side bending” stretch, is also very simple to do. Just bend your ear toward your right shoulder while looking straight ahead. Then, hold that pose for twenty seconds and alternate. Similarly, the “rotation” stretch can also be used. It involves turning to look over your right shoulder, holding the pose, then switching sides. Using the hand to apply more pressure on the chin will help stretch farther.

Visit Han Jo Kim – Spine Doctor New York

For some, surgery may be the best option if already injured. A spine doctor New York such as Dr. Han Jo Kim works wonders. Most patients receive cervical spine surgery when they have: neck pain, tingling, numbness, weakness, or suspected nerve damage. These issues usually result from disc problems, trauma, spine instability, or cervical deformities. Sometimes, the disc is removed, fused, or graphed. If those are not possible, a metal plate is used. The surgery is very safe.

Though the cervical spine may seem vulnerable to a lot, it can be strengthened. Try some of these exercises today to live a long and healthy life! However, if you’re already suffering, a Spine doctor New York such as Dr. Han Jo Kim can perform life-altering surgery. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

Before you receive spine surgery from a Spine doctor New York, it’s crucial to understand the recovery process to prepare yourself. Making changes in your daily life in advance can help ensure a faster recovery. At the office of Dr. Han Jo Kim, MD, we would like to explain what you should expect after spine surgery and give some tips to make spine surgery recovery easier.

How Long Does it Take to Recover?

Depending on the type of spine surgery you are going to have, the recovery time can vary. For example, a laminectomy or discectomy can take around 12 weeks to heal. A spinal fusion, however, can take six months to a year to fully recover. No matter which kind of surgery you will have, the recovery steps are generally the same. 

Preparing for the Surgery

Before you undergo spine surgery, take some time to prepare your home for the recovery ahead. Your New York spinal expert will have a list of activities to avoid, so make sure you prepare for them ahead of time. Here are some tips to help make your recovery less stressful:

  • Keep everyday items easily accessible – bending and reaching are huge “don’t”s after spine surgery. Make sure your most used items are accessible to you without having to strain your back.
  • Ask for help with chores – You won’t be able to do heavy housework after your surgery. Don’t be afraid to ask loved ones around you for assistance with helping you with cleaning or laundry while you recover. 
  • Plan your meals – Standing in the kitchen to make a meal will be difficult after surgery. To avoid that, prepare and freeze meals ahead of time to reheat later. You could also stock up on easy-to-make microwavable meals. 
  • Buy some handy equipment – Some items may make your recovery more comfortable. Some examples include a grabber device to avoid bending, a shower seat, and a toilet riser. 

What to Expect After Spine Surgery

Immediately after waking up, you may feel pain and drowsiness. Your New York spinal expert will administer pain medication to manage the initial pain you’ll feel after surgery. Your doctor may administer oxygen to help you breathe and request blood tests to ensure that your levels are normal. 

Movement is an integral part of recovery. That’s why your New York spinal expert will want you to start moving around as soon as you can. A physical therapist will help you sit, stand, walk and teach you how to perform everyday activities without putting stress on your back. You’ll be able to leave the hospital once you reach these benchmarks:

  • Oral pain medication can keep your pain under control
  • You can get out of bed and move without assistance
  • You can empty your bladder
  • There are no signs of infection at the incision site

Recovering at Home

As you begin your recovery at home, there are some key restrictions that you need to follow:

  • No bending your back
  • No lifting anything heavier than a gallon of milk
  • No twisting
  • No driving. Car rides should be limited as well.

Keeping those restrictions in mind, avoiding chores that involve bending or lifting is essential. 

As you continue to recover, make sure you keep an eye out for these possible symptoms of an infection. If you notice any of the following, call your New York spinal expert right away:

  • Fever
  • Expanding redness at the incision site
  • Increasing back pain
  • A change in the amount, odor, or appearance of drainage

You should keep the spine straight while recovering, even when you have to sit down or get into bed. By using the log-roll technique, you can get into and out of bed without twisting your spine. Here’s how to do the log-roll technique:

  • Sit on the edge of the bed.
  • Lie down on your side while bringing your knees up. Your knees should be bent. 
  • Roll onto your back. 

As you gain more strength and recover, you will slowly be allowed to do more activities, such as light chores and walking. Walking can help increase healing by strengthening the muscles supporting the spine. Outpatient physical therapy can help you build up strength. 

How Your Spine Specialist New York Can Help   

Spine surgery recovery may seem frightening, but if you’re in pain, spine surgery is worth it! Dr. Han Jo Kim, MD, can give you the care you need so you can get back to doing what you love without pain! Visit our website to learn more about us and to request an appointment!

We go through life running, jumping, lifting, and twisting around. We don’t realize the toll and stress it takes on our necks. Neck pain is a common complaint among many and about two-thirds of people go through it in their lifetimes. Often, neck pains tend to be in a deep, constant state of stress that travels down to the shoulders, arms, and hands. This pain leaves one in severe weakness and numbness. This condition is associated with Cervical Spondylosis, a degenerative process causing radiating pain. Dr. Han Jo Kim is the go-to professional! His years of experience, knowledge, and specialization allows him to successfully cater to the needs of his patients and help live a pain-free life. Get in touch today and get the care you deserve! 

What is Cervical Spondylosis?

It is the natural wearing down of cartilage, disk, ligaments, and bones in your neck. It leads to neck pain, stiffness, and so forth. With age, the plates of the cervical spine steadily separate, lose liquid, and become stiffer. Cervical spondylosis ordinarily happens in moderately aged and older individuals.

Your spine is made up of 24 vertebrates and the cervical spine alone consists of seven of them and in between them, lie the nerves which carry messages back and forth throughout the body. Between each vertebrae are disk, jelly-like circles that act as shock absorbers.  Between each pair of vertebrates, there are three joints, and within each joint, there is cartilage which provides cushioning. Seeing how intense the structure put together illustrates how spondylosis takes place.

What are the risk factors?

With any condition there are always underlying factors that lead up to the severe outcome. Here are few possible risks:

  • Aging 
  • Overweight & inactive 
  • Previous injuries
  • Poor posture 
  • Work-related activities that put extra strain 
  • Uncomfortable prolonged positions 
  • Genetic factors 
  • Smoking 

What are the causes?

As we age, the spine goes through major changes due to stress, wear & tear. Here are a few changes:

  • Degeneration– The spinal plates in your neck may gradually wear out With time, the circles become more slender, and the delicate tissue has less versatility. On the off chance that you or your folks measure in a little more limited in stature than you did years back, this is ordinary imploding or settling of your circles.
  • Herniation– Ordinary maturing can make some portion of your spinal plate tear or break. This is called herniated plate. The herniation can permit the plate to swell out, pushing on close by tissue or a spinal nerve. This pressing factor can cause agony, shivering or deadness.
  • Osteoarthritis – a progressive condition that causes cartilage in your joints to degenerate. With osteoarthritis, cartilage degenerates faster than with normal aging.
  • Bone Spurs – When cartilage in the joints of the vertebrae in your spine starts to degenerate and bone tissue rubs directly against other bone tissue, abnormal bone growths develop along the edges of vertebrae.

What are the most common symptoms? 

Let’s be honest, you could have signs and not even know it’s related! Some symptoms include:

  • Neck pain or stiffness
  • A nagging soreness in the neck
  • Muscle Spasms
  • Clicking, popping or grinding sound when moving the neck 
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches 

What are the possible treatments?

Treatment options tend to vary on the symptoms and the reactions to the body. Often when severe symptoms do occur, conservative treat most cases. Some include:

  • Physical therapy
  • Ice, heat, and massage 
  • Oral medications
  • Soft collar or brace
  • Injection therapy 
  • Cervical epidural block
  • Cervical facet joint block 
  • Media branch black and radiofrequency ablation 

What are preventative measures?

  • Engage in physical activity 
  • Practice good form 
  • Use of proper equipment
  • Good posture 
  • Avoid trauma to the neck

New York Back Specialist

Dr. Han Jo Kim and his staff are here to provide the best care plan possible. He is known for his spine surgery utilizing the most effective and safe techniques catering and tailoring to each specific person. Also, keeping in mind efforts to minimize complications, recovery time, and optimize outcomes. We provide help to patients and keep in mind that our primary objective is to recover from spinal ailments. Some of our services include cervical spine surgery, scoliosis surgery, spinal deformity surgery, and many more. Get in touch today and get treated by a spine specialist in New York. Call us today!

Our spines are the backbones of our body and in the literal sense too! The spine gives our body structure, support, and mobility to carry throughout the days in our daily lives. It is very important to make sure our spines are in place and stress-free. We need our spines to serve messages throughout the body and for structural support. Dr. Han Jo Kim, an exceptional New York back specialist is your go-to provider. His primary objective is always to help and provide patients with the best care, treatment plan, and recovery journey! Contact us for a consultation today and be on the road to a better, painless you!

How Does the Spine Work?

The spine is our body’s support structure that keeps us upright. It connects the different parts of our skeletal system such as our head, chest, pelvis, shoulders, arms, and legs. The spine consists of a chain of bones but has flexibility due to elastic ligaments and spinal discs. 

What is Spinal Deformity?

Spinal deformity occurs when the spinal alignment and curvature are altered in many ways. These can occur due to:

  • Birth Defect
  • Child’s Growth 
  • Aging 
  • Injury 
  • Previous Spine Surgery 

But the most common form of spinal deformity is degenerative scoliosis, which is the side-to-side curvature of that spine that can develop in adults when facet joints and discs begin to deteriorate. 

The 101 on Scoliosis 

Scoliosis is a condition with an abnormal curvature of the spine. That means the spine is curved from side to side or in an “S” or “C” shape. The top two causes are pinpointed as neurological abnormalities and genetic conditions. 

Common Types:

Research has broken down scoliosis into a few different categories. The most common seen are:

  • Idiopathic – used to describe the cases that have no definite cause 
  • Congenital – used to describe spinal deformities are apparent at birth 
  • Neurological – used to describe when nerve abnormalities affect muscles in the spine 
  • Structural – used to describe that the spinal curve is caused by a disease, injury, or birth defect and that it is permanent 
  • Nonstructural- used to describe that the spinal curve is temporary and that it can be fixed


Research shows that the causes often cannot be fully determined but common factors noted by our New York back specialist are:

  • Cerebral palsy
  • Muscular dystrophy
  • Birth defects
  • Spinal injuries or infections 
  • Past family history 

Treatment Options for Scoliosis 

Treatment plans are determined by several factors such: 

  • Your age
  • Amount & type of curvature
  • The type of scoliosis

Treatment options include: 

  • Selfcare – Using correct posture and keeping the spine aligned 
  • Physical Therapy– Exercising and conditioning are key elements for life- long health
  • Medication– Help cope with pain and swelling
  • Bracing– This method does not strengthen the spine but can prevent the curve from increasing 
  • Chiropractic Care– Applied pressure to an area to align bones and return joints to a more normal motion 
  • Surgery – This method is for people whose curvature is interrupting daily life
    • Spinal surgery is an extremely risky process is can include: excessive bleeding, failure to heal, infection, pain, and nerve damage
    • It is recommended to those in severe need 

What is Spinal Deformity Surgery? 

Spinal deformation medical procedure is expanding in current spine medical procedure practice. As the normal future expands and the populace maturing advances, the number of patients requiring spinal disfigurement medical procedures will keep on expanding. The predominance of spinal deformation was accounted for to be more than 65% in the populace more established than 60 years. Spinal distortion causes agony and inability. Patients having spinal distortion experience chronic weakness-related personal satisfaction.

How Can Our Spine Specialist New York Help?

The drawn-out standpoint for scoliosis relies upon how extreme the shape is. For gentle to direct cases, the condition will not meddle with regular exercises and capacities. People with serious types of scoliosis may have actual constraints. Dr. Han Jo Kim, an exceptional New York orthopedic spine doctor, is your go-to person. He has years of experience, knowledge, and expertise to provide you with the best course of action. His primary objective is always to help and provide patients with the best care, treatment plan, and recovery journey! Contact us for a consultation today and be on the road to a better, painless you!

Expert Spine Care in New York: Your Path to a Pain-Free Life

If you’ve ever experienced the debilitating effects of spine-related issues, you understand the importance of finding the right specialist to help you regain control of your life. Whether you’re dealing with chronic back pain, spinal stenosis, scoliosis, or any other spine condition, seeking expert care is paramount. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the world of spine care, focusing on the expertise available in the bustling metropolis of New York. From renowned spine surgeons to state-of-the-art spine centers, we’ll cover it all. By the end of this article, you’ll have a clear understanding of how expert spine specialists can provide the care you need to live your life to the fullest. Let’s delve into these topics and discover how New York’s spine specialists are transforming lives.

1. What Makes a Spine Specialist in New York Stand Out?

The spine is a remarkable and complex structure that plays a pivotal role in our daily lives. Therefore, when it comes to caring for your spine, you want nothing but the best. In New York, spine specialists have garnered a reputation for their unparalleled expertise. They are trained in orthopedics, neurosurgery, and related fields, making them uniquely qualified to diagnose and treat a wide range of spine conditions. These specialists are dedicated to helping people with spine conditions lead pain-free lives. They offer a range of treatment options, both surgical and non-surgical, and collaborate closely with patients to develop personalized care plans. Whether you’re suffering from common back pain or a complex spinal disorder, New York’s spine experts have you covered.

2. From Diagnosis to Recovery: The Path to Spinal Wellness

One of the key aspects that set New York’s spine specialists apart is their commitment to providing comprehensive care, from the moment you walk through their doors to your full recovery. They understand that spine care is not a one-size-fits-all approach, and each patient requires an individualized evaluation and treatment plan. Upon your initial visit, expect a thorough evaluation of your spine condition. This may involve diagnostic tests such as x-rays, MRIs, or CT scans to pinpoint the exact issue. Once the diagnosis is established, your specialist will work closely with you to develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs.

3. Personalized Care: Tailored Solutions for Your Spine

New York’s spine specialists believe in specialized care that focuses on the unique needs of each patient. They understand that no two spine conditions are identical, and treatment should reflect that. Whether you require minimally invasive surgery, pain management, or non-surgical interventions, you can count on receiving a range of treatment options. The goal is to provide compassionate care that addresses your specific condition, whether it’s a herniated disc, degenerative spine, or cervical spine disorder. This personalized approach ensures that you receive the most effective treatment for your spine issues.

4. New York’s Premier Spine Centers

In the bustling city of New York, you’ll find some of the world’s top spine centers. These facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and staffed by a team of specialists who are leaders in their respective fields. The comprehensive care provided at these centers encompasses the full spectrum of spine conditions, from the common to the most complex. Whether you’re seeking treatment for adult or pediatric spine conditions, these centers are equipped to handle it all. They are known for their world-renowned expertise and their commitment to offering a range of treatment options, both surgical and non-surgical.

5. Top Spine Surgeons: Masters of Their Craft

When surgery is recommended as the best course of action for your spine condition, you can rest assured that New York’s top spine surgeons are among the best in the world. These orthopedic surgeons and neurosurgeons specialize in spinal surgery, including minimally invasive procedures. Their expertise in surgical treatment options, such as spinal deformity correction or spinal stenosis surgery, ensures that you receive the most effective and least invasive treatment available. You can trust these surgeons to use the most advanced techniques and technologies to address your spine issues.

6. Comprehensive Spine Care: Your One-Stop Solution

One of the advantages of seeking spine care in New York is the availability of comprehensive spine care centers. These facilities offer a range of services under one roof, making it convenient for patients to receive all the care they need in one place. From diagnosis and evaluation to treatment and rehabilitation, these centers have it all. A multidisciplinary approach is often adopted, involving a team of specialists, including neurosurgeons, orthopedic surgeons, physical therapists, and pain management experts. This collaborative effort ensures that you receive holistic and effective care for your spine condition.

7. Non-Surgical Alternatives: Managing Spine Conditions without Surgery

Not all spine conditions require surgical intervention. New York’s spine specialists understand the importance of exploring non-surgical alternatives first. These options may include physical therapy, pain management techniques, and nonsurgical interventions to relieve symptoms. Conditions like herniated discs, pinched nerves, and neck pain can often be effectively managed without the need for surgery. The goal is to provide relief and improve your quality of life through conservative treatments whenever possible.

8. Spinal Deformities: Addressing Complex Issues

Spinal deformities, such as scoliosis, can significantly impact an individual’s life. New York’s spine specialists have the expertise to address complex spinal deformities and provide effective treatment options. Whether you’re a child or an adult dealing with scoliosis, you can trust that expert care is available in the city. Treatment options may range from conservative measures like bracing to surgical interventions when necessary. The goal is to improve spinal alignment and function, ultimately enhancing your quality of life.

9. Life Back: Effective Treatment for Chronic Back Pain

Chronic back pain can be incredibly debilitating, affecting every aspect of your life. New York’s spine specialists are dedicated to helping you get your life back on track. They employ a range of treatment options to manage and alleviate chronic back pain. These options may include physical therapy, pain management techniques, and, in some cases, minimally invasive spine surgery. The goal is to provide relief and improve your quality of life by addressing the underlying causes of your pain.

10. Multidisciplinary Approach: Collaborative Spine Care

In the world of spine care, collaboration is key. New York’s spine specialists often work together in a multidisciplinary fashion to ensure that patients receive the best possible care. This approach involves a team of specialists from various fields, all focused on one goal: improving your spine health.

Different Types Of Spinal Osteotomy

Degenerative disc disease, or other spine abnormalities. During this procedure, bone from the affected spine area is cut and repositioned to either lengthen or shorten it. This can help to restore proper alignment and reduce compression on the nerves. It’s best to contact Dr. Han Jo Kim, a New York orthopedic spine doctor, for more information how to treat your Spinal osteotomy.

There are different types of spinal osteotomy procedures depending on your specific condition and needs. The most common type involves removing a wedge-shaped part of one vertebrae and then reattaching it in a new position once the correct alignment has been restored. Another method involves cutting both sides of vertebrae to reduce its size, then fusing it to a neighboring vertebra to stabilize the spine.

Spinal Osteotomy Surgery

Before undergoing spinal osteotomy surgery, your doctor will work with you to create a customized treatment plan based on your specific condition and goals. This may involve additional therapies or medications designed to help relieve any discomfort caused by your condition while also helping to prevent further damage. The surgery itself is typically performed under general anesthesia and takes around two hours to complete. While most people can recover fully within four months of their surgery, it’s important to follow all post-operative care instructions closely in order to ensure a healthy recovery.

If you have severe scoliosis or degenerative disc disease that is causing compression of the nerves in your spine, talk to your doctor about whether spinal osteotomy surgery may be a good treatment option for you. With proper care and rehabilitation following your surgery, you should be able to return to all of the activities you enjoy in no time at all.

Spinal osteotomy is a surgical procedure that can relieve pressure on the spinal cord or nerve roots caused by severe scoliosis, degenerative disc disease, or other spine abnormalities. It involves removing a wedge-shaped part of one vertebra and then reattaching it in a new position once the correct alignment has been restored. There are different types of spinal osteotomy procedures depending on your specific condition and needs. Before undergoing this surgery, your doctor will work with you to create a customized treatment plan that may include additional therapies or medications in order to help relieve any discomfort caused by your condition and prevent further damage. 

Surgery itself is typically performed under general anesthesia and takes around two hours to complete. While most people can recover fully within four months of their surgery, it’s important to follow all post-operative care instructions closely to ensure a healthy recovery. If you have severe scoliosis or degenerative disc disease that is causing compression on the nerves in your spine, talk to your doctor about whether spinal osteotomy surgery may be a good treatment option for you. With proper care and rehabilitation following your surgery, you should be able to return to all of the activities you enjoy in no time at all.

How To Cope With Spinal Osteotomy Pain

Coping with spinal osteotomy pain can be difficult, but with proper care and rehabilitation, you should be able to recover fully and return to all of the activities you enjoy. Here are a few tips to help you manage your pain:

  1. Talk to your doctor about your pain medication options and follow their instructions closely.
  2. Ice the affected area frequently to help reduce inflammation and swelling.
  3. Apply heat to the area as needed to help relieve stiffness and discomfort.
  4. Maintain good posture and alignment when standing, sitting, or walking.
  5. Perform stretching and strengthening exercises as directed by your doctor or physical therapist.
  6. Take it easy and avoid strenuous activities until your doctor clears you.

With proper care and rehabilitation, you should be able to manage your spinal osteotomy pain and make a full recovery.

Contact Our New York Orthopedic Spine Doctor

Suppose you are dealing with severe scoliosis or degenerative disc disease that is causing compression of the nerves in your spine. In that case, Spinal osteotomy surgery may be a good treatment option for you. It’s best to contact Dr. Han Jo Kim a Spine health expert NYC for more information how to treat your Spinal osteotomy.