About Us

While working as a spine surgeon at the Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS), Dr. Kim, spine doctor in New York City mastered his craft. Specializing in cervical spine and scoliosis surgery, he has helped patients overcome spinal issues and injuries through surgery for many years. After serving as the Director of the Spine Fellowship, Dr. Kim has become the leader and founder of our practice.

Dr. Kim’s time as a spinal surgeon has not fallen exclusively within the United States. He has dedicated time to work as a volunteer surgeon at the FOCUS hospital in Ghana, West Africa. Doing so allowed him to treat some of the rarest and most complex spinal conditions in pediatric and adult patients. Those who find themselves dealing with extremely rare or severe spinal conditions should feel confident coming to our practice for care. Dr. Kim has successfully operated on hundreds of rare and complex spinal deformities and takes this valuable experience into every operation he performs.

Our practice understands how devastating spinal issues can become. We also know that the nature of spinal surgery is extremely invasive. We want our patients to trust that spinal surgery will only be recommended when all of the treatment options have been exhausted. Dr. Kim and the rest of our staff’s primary goal is to get each patient who visits us back to full strength. When surgery is required for this goal, there are few better teams to work with than the one here at Dr. Han Jo Kim’s office.


Scoliosis is a curve in your spine that often develops during childhood or your early teenage years. Scoliosis can range from mild to severe, and it may need surgery to be corrected in many cases. Certain risk factors for scoliosis include age, gender, and family history. Boys and girls are equally as likely to develop scoliosis however, girls are much more likely to develop severe cases of scoliosis. Some cases of scoliosis are thought to have been genetic however, there are also many cases where the cause is unclear. If you think you have scoliosis, your doctor will start by giving you a physical exam where they look for a curve in the spine, then they will take x-rays and an MRI. If you think you might have scoliosis and need a spine doctor in New York City, check out Dr. Han Jo Kim.

Scoliosis is not always easy to notice in a child, so your child’s doctor will likely check for scoliosis when they are at the prime age for developing it. After being diagnosed with scoliosis you have a few treatment options. If your scoliosis is mild, you can wear a brace to prevent the curve from worsening but will not lessen the curve. There are also a few different surgery options that will reverse the curve. 

spine doctor in New York City

Types of Scoliosis

  • Idiopathic Scoliosis
    • Idiopathic Scoliosis is scoliosis where the cause is known.
  • Congenital scoliosis
    • Congenital Scoliosis is scoliosis that develops before a baby is born, issues in the development of the vertebrae can cause the spine to curve.
    • This can be caught when the baby is born or in their teenage years.
  • Neuromuscular scoliosis
    • An injury causes neuromuscular scoliosis to the spine, Spina Bifida, or cerebral palsy.
  • Degenerative Scoliosis
    • Degenerative scoliosis is scoliosis that develops in adults
    • Degenerative scoliosis happens in adults because the disks in your lower back wear out as you get older 

Symptoms of Scoliosis

  • A noticeable curve in your back
  • Uneven posture
  • One noticeably bigger shoulder blade
  • Ribs that stick out on one side of the body
  • Lower back pain
  • Stiff back
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle Strain

Treatments for Scoliosis

  • Wearing a brace
    • Braces are recommended for children and teenagers whose spine has not finished growing
    • Someone with scoliosis wears a brace to keep the curve in their spine from getting worse
  • Surgery
    • There are a few different surgery options for people with scoliosis but the most common is Spinal Fusion Surgery
    • Spinal Fusion Surgery is where the surgeon fuses together two or more vertebrae in your spine 
    • Spinal Tethering, growing rod replacement, and spinal osteotomies are other surgeries that can fix scoliosis
    • Growing rod replacement is when the doctor places rods in your spine to fix your scoliosis as you grow

Can Golf Cause Scoliosis?

Scoliosis can not be prevented however, avoiding certain activities can help you keep the curve from worsening if you have scoliosis. If you have a family history of scoliosis you might want to avoid certain risk factors. Certain sports may increase the risk of your scoliosis worsening. Playing golf requires a lot of rotational movements. This repeated rotation can cause your spine to curve more, worsening your scoliosis. So, you should avoid golf if you risk developing scoliosis or have scoliosis. Since scoliosis almost always develops during your childhood, golfing as an adult is not very likely to cause scoliosis. If you are a child or early teenager at risk for scoliosis or mild scoliosis, avoiding golf during these years can help reduce your risk of developing severe scoliosis. If you have scoliosis, golf’s repeated rotational movements can make your scoliosis worse. So overall, golf will not cause scoliosis but can worsen your scoliosis if you have it. 

Spine Doctor in New York City

If you think you might have scoliosis then you should see a spine doctor in New York City. Dr. Han Jo Kim is a spine surgeon at the Hospital for Special Surgery. Scoliosis is not always easy to notice in a child, so your child’s doctor will likely check for scoliosis when they are at the prime age for developing it. Dr. Han Jo Kim specializes in cervical spine surgery, scoliosis surgery, and spinal deformity surgery. Dr. Han Jo Kim is well versed in all kinds of scoliosis surgeries including spinal fusion surgery, spinal tethering, growing rod replacement, and spinal osteotomies. If you want a consultation about scoliosis surgery, contact us and make an appointment today. Contact us today to learn more on how we can help out with scoliosis today!

If you have experienced any back pain, our spine doctor in New York City knows just how painful and aggravating it can be. Since so many movements our body makes involve the back, this pain can limit our movement and activities. Performing back strengthening exercises is one way to take care of or prevent injuries in back muscles and improve your range of motion. Other benefits that come with back strengthening exercises are improving your posture and spinal position reducing pain in spinal joints, discs, and movements that can cause pain.

Back Strengthening Exercises

 spine doctor in New York City

Before performing any of these exercises you should perform a dynamic warmup to loosen up your muscles and get your blood flowing. Dynamic warmups should consist of full body movements with multiple muscle groups focused on. These exercises will target the following muscles:

  • latissimus dorsi (lats), located below your armpits down the sides of your back
  • Rhomboids, located in the mid-upper back
  • trapezius (traps), located from your neck to mid-back
  • erector spinae, which run along your spine

Here are some exercises that our spine doctor in New York City recommends for strengthening your back:

  1. Resistance band pull-apart – Stand with your arms extended while holding a resistance band parallel to the ground. Pull the band to your chest while bringing your arms out to the sides and keeping them straight. Bring your shoulder blades closer together while keeping your spine neutral. Slowly go back to the starting position and repeat. Perform 1-3 sets of 8-12 reps.
  2. Dumbbell bent over row – Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, slightly bend your knees and hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing your thighs. Allow the dumbbells to hang in front of you while making a hinge at your hips until your torso is at a 45-degree angle. Row with your elbows at a 90-degree angle, pulling the dumbbells up to the sky, and squeeze your shoulders at the top. While performing this exercise keep your core engaged and neck straight. Perform 1-3 sets of 8-12 reps.
  3. Superman – Lie on your stomach with your legs and arms above your head. Lift your lower and upper body off the ground as high as you can and hold for one second before lowering slowly. Perform 1-3 sets of 8-12 reps.
  4. Lat pulldown – If using a machine, position the pad so it is touching your thighs. Stand up, grab the bar wider than shoulder-width apart, and then sit down. Pull the bar down towards your chest while bending your elbows and don’t lean back. Slowly bring the bar back up while staying seated and repeat. Perform 1-3 sets of 8-12 reps.

Let Our Spine Doctor in New York City Help!

  1. Seated Row – Sit up straight and place your feet on the foot supports with your knees bent. Grab the handles in front of you with your arms extended, and pull the handles towards you while bringing your elbows back and keeping them close to your body. Return to the start position slowly and repeat. Perform 1-3 sets of 8-12 reps.
  2. Good Morning – If you are using a barbell, place it on your shoulders and behind your head. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, hinge at the hips while slightly bending your knees, and lower your torso until it’s parallel to the ground. After reaching parallel, push through with your feet to return to the starting position. During this exercise, your back should remain straight. Perform 1-3 sets of 8-12 reps.
  3. Wood Chop – Hold a medicine ball or dumbbell above your head while keeping your arms straight. Bring the ball or dumbbell down to the outside of your right knee while turning your hips to the right. On the way up, twist your trunk back towards the left and bring the ball or dumbbell back above your head in a fast but controlled movement. Perform 1-3 sets with 8-12 reps on each side.

To learn more about back strengthening exercises, click here.

Contact Our Spine Doctor in New York City

If you have experienced any back pain, our spine doctor in New York City knows just how painful and aggravating it can be. Since so many movements our body makes involve the back, this pain can limit our movement and activities. Performing back strengthening exercises is one way to take care of or prevent injuries in back muscles and improve your range of motion. Should you find yourself in this position, we highly recommend you consider working with our spine doctor in New York City here at Dr. Han Jo Kim’s office. Don’t hesitate to contact us and begin strengthening your back today!

Usually, people think that surgery is the only option to manage a herniated disc. Surgery is an intense procedure on your body and can

spine doctor in New York City

take months or even years to recover fully. In some cases, people may not fully recover from surgery and may struggle with immobility and pain for the rest of their lives. While that usually is rare and depends on the type of surgery you have, surgery usually doesn’t sound pleasant. That is why we at Dr. Han Jo Kim’s office try to do everything to relieve your pain without the use of surgery. Surgery may be necessary in some cases. However, we try natural methods to treat your herniated disc before jumping into surgery. If you have severe back pain and think you may have a herniated disc, we recommend you seek out our spine doctor in New York City. 

What is a Herniated Disc?

Vertebrae are the bones that make up the back. The vertebrae have four groups: cervical vertebrae, thoracic vertebrae, lumbar vertebrae, and the sacrum/coccyx. The disc between each vertebra is almost like a cushion to prevent the vertebrae from rubbing against one another. These cushions help with avoiding pain and allowing mobility within the back. These discs have a more rigid, tough outer layer and a softer, jelly center layer. If the disc ruptures, this can result in severe pain because there are proteins and other substances within the jelly-like center. A herniated disc can happen throughout the back; however, they are more likely to occur in the lower back as this is the region that bears the most weight and pressure. 


Everyone will have different symptoms depending on where the herniated discs are. Some people may not even experience any symptoms. Some people may require surgery to help fix the damage and relieve pain. However, your symptoms can be reduced through natural pain management methods in most cases. The following are the most common symptoms of a herniated disc: 

  • Pain that travels: Along with the pain you are feeling in your back, you may have pain in other areas depending on where the herniated disc is. For example, if the herniated disc is in the lumbar region, you may have pain in your buttocks or legs. The back is the connection point between the rest of the body and the lower extremities. They are interconnected in some ways. 
  • Numb or Tingle Feeling: Since the spinal cord is in the back, numbness, and tingling can be herniated disc symptoms. This type of pain involves the nervous system and potentially compromises it when a disc starts to bulge out of place. 

If you are experiencing any recurring symptoms above, you should look for our spine doctor in New York City. 


The spine doctor in New York City at Dr. Kim’s office will perform a neurological exam on you to determine whether or not you have a herniated disc in your back. During the exam, they will perform some physical tests to assess your walking ability and your ability to feel certain sensations. Additionally, a doctor may recommend specific imaging tests. An X-ray cannot detect a herniated disc. A CT scan and an MRI are detailed imaging techniques to see the particular back structure. These are more detailed images to determine if and where the disc moved/ruptured. 

Treatment: Spine Doctor in New York City

It is essential to understand that surgery is not required to treat a herniated disc. Natural healing methods can help with the pain and manage the condition. The following are natural treatment methods to manage a herniated disc: 

  • Rest: By resting, you can relieve the swelling and irritation in the back caused by a herniated disc. The back is irritated due to the herniated disc and can benefit immensely from taking it easy on your back. Also, staying off of your legs which may also be in pain, can be beneficial. Giving them back time to rest is a great way to relieve pain and give them back time to heal themselves. 
  • Physical Therapy: This is a big part of the healing and managing a herniated disc. Physical Therapy is excellent for strengthening the surrounding muscles of the hurt area. For example, going to physical therapy after being diagnosed with a herniated disc can help you immensely. The therapists will focus on strengthening the muscles in your back to help relieve the pressure on the vertebrae in your back. This will ultimately reduce the pain you have in your back and help prevent pain in the future as other muscles in the back will take over during certain activities. 

There are other options for treatment, such as medication, injections, and surgery. However, natural remedies should be attempted first because they work in many cases. Contact our spine doctor in New York City to get treatment for your herniated disc. 

Contact Our Spine Doctor in New York City

Dr. Han Jo Kim and his team specialize in treating the spine and any related issues. He has had years of experience and is a prominent surgeon. Before jumping into surgery, we recommend and push natural treatment options for those suffering from herniated discs. We have great success with these natural options and believe you will too if you contact our spine doctor in New York City. Contact our office today to get pain-free!