Spinal Surgeon Manhattan

Back surgery is a procedure where the surgeon makes an incision in the back, removes damaged tissue, repairs the spine, or replaces joints. The patient is given anesthesia so that they are fully asleep and feel no pain during back surgery. If you need back surgery contact Dr. Han Jo Kim a spinal surgeon Manhattan today! Contact us today to learn more about how we can help!

There Are Three Main Types of Back Surgeries: 

  • Decompression is used when there is a lot of pressure on the spine from a herniated disc.
  • Fusions that join two or more vertebrae together with instruments and/or bone grafts to stop them from moving.
  • Artificial disc replacement is used when there is damage in the discs between the vertebrae.

Back surgery can be helpful for people who have cancer, spondylolisthesis, osteoporosis-related fractures, scoliosis, and degenerative disc disease. People who are suffering from the following conditions may need back surgery:

  • Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the opening where nerves go through, leaving the spinal cord, often causing pain in the legs and buttocks.
  • Herniated discs – occur when the outer layer of shock-absorbing gel inside a disc tear or pops out, causing pain and stiffness.
  • Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature in your spine and can cause severe back pain, numbness and tingling in your legs and feet, and shortness of breath.
  • Spondylolisthesis is a condition where one vertebra slips forward over the other, causing pain, numbness, and tingling in your legs and feet.
  • Osteoporosis-related fractures occur after age 50 because of fragile bones. Back surgery could be necessary if the fractures are severe and there is nerve damage.
  • Disc disease occurs in the discs between your vertebrae, causing them to wear down, making it difficult to move your back, and causing pain.

Dr. Han Jo Kim

Back surgery can be helpful for people who have been diagnosed with one of these conditions but will not cure or relieve all pain. If you think that you may need back surgery, be sure to talk with your doctor and get a full medical history done. Before the surgery, people should make sure they eat healthy foods and exercise regularly. They should also stop smoking as it can lead to complications during back surgery. Depending on the type of back surgery a person needs, their doctor will determine how long they need to rest before going back to work or resume daily activities.

Spinal Surgeon Manhattan

People who need back surgery should not lift anything more than a few pounds for a couple of weeks. Also, avoid driving until their doctor is permitted. They can walk as soon as they feel pain has gone away, but they should use a cane or walker if needed.

There are some things people can do to lower the risk of back surgery, including:

  • Doing exercises to strengthen and stretch their back.
  • Healthy weight
  • Having a balanced diet
  • Exercise regularly
  • Avoid smoking and drinking too much alcohol.

If you’re worried that you or someone you love needs back surgery, then talk to your doctor about what conditions need back surgery. Back pain is common, but that doesn’t mean you have to suffer from it.

What Conditions Require Back Surgery?

For many people, it’s hard to even think about the possibility of needing back surgery. This is especially true for those who may not have had any previous injuries or issues with their backs. While nobody wants to need an operation, sometimes there are valid reasons that necessitate having back surgery. People are often misdiagnosed by their doctors, making the need for back surgery even more frustrating. If you have problems with your back that you suspect may require surgery, ask your doctor to be honest about all of your options before moving forward.

If you genuinely need back surgery, several different types can help correct your condition. Some of these surgeries may include:

  • The back surgery you need will depend on the problem in your back. This will be determined by your doctor after examining you and reviewing your medical history. 
  • Discectomy – which involves removing a herniated disc from the spine. This is also known as a microdiscectomy.
  • Spinal fusion –  which usually involves inserting a bone graft into the spine to create a union between two or more vertebrae.
  • Different Types of Fusion are instrumented with plates or screws to ensure that the bone graft fuses properly. This type of back surgery is known as a posterior lumbar interbody fusion.

Dr. Han Jo Kim – Spinal Surgeon Manhattan

The type of back surgery needed will depend on your medical condition. Make sure you ask your doctor if back surgery is necessary before deciding what to do. Make sure you eat a healthy diet and get regular exercise, which can also help to reduce pain in yo

If you are in need of an spinal surgeon Manhattan for a severe herniated disc that is causing you immense pain, Dr. Han Jo Kim is here to help you. Contact us today to learn more about how we can treat your pain. 

A slipped disc could be a fragment of the disc nucleus that’s pushed out of the annulus, into the canalis vertebralis through a tear or rupture within the annulus. Discs that become herniated typically square measure in associate degree early stage of degeneration. The canalis vertebralis has restricted space that is insufficient for the nerve and therefore the displaced slipped disc fragment. Because of this displacement, the disc presses on spinal nerves, usually manufacturing pain, which can be severe. If you are experiencing this pain, consider Dr. Han Jo Kim as your specialist.


There are many potential causes of a herniated disc. It could be preventable but could also come genetically from growing. Be sure to visit our spinal surgeon Manhattan and we will be able to help you. Here is a list of possible causes:

  • Impact
  • Whiplash
  • Incorrect movement 
  • Dehydration
  • Stress and tiredness
  • Growth

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Symptoms can vary greatly depending on the size of the herniation of the disk.  And especially if the disc is not sitting near a nerve at all, you may feel little to no back pain. However, if it is sitting on a nerve, then there could be great pain or even numbness in the area that the nerve travels to. This could cause pain in the arm back, foot or leg. You could experience muscle weakness or spasms. Leg numbness, pins and needles, and uncomfortable tingling and burning. If you are experiencing these symptoms, contact Dr. Han Jo Kim today!

How Painful Is It?

In most of the people with herniated discs, the pain spreads over the buttocks and goes down the rear of 1 thigh and into the calf. Some individuals have pain in both of your legs. Some people’s legs or feet feel numb or tingly. The pain from a slipped disc typically is worse after you work out and become active and gets higher after you start resting. 

Treatment Methods

Not every disc needs intervention. But, when it is needed common treatments are medication, physical therapy, and surgery. The medications that are usually used are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This will relieve pain, decrease inflammation, and reduce any fever. Physical therapy treatments such as chiropractic treatment and stretching will help to mobilize you. Lastly, spinal surgery will help to correct the abnormalities of the spinal cord and surrounding bones. Dr. Han Jo Kim, an spinal surgeon Manhattan will be able to perform these practices to help you feel as good as new!


Good Mornings

In this exercise, stand tall with your feet shoulder width apart, and eyes forward. Then, you slowly bend over, keeping your back straight, as if you had a glass of water standing upright on your back. You will keep your knees slightly bent, and lower your back to about a 90 degree angle. Repeat this exercise for 10 reps and continue for 3 sets. You should feel this exercise in your hamstrings and lower back.

Upright Row With Resistance Band

In this exercise, stand tall and upright and wrap the band around a pole or another stable object that will sustain your weight. Next, grip the band with both hands. With both elbows parallel to the floor, slowly bring your arms close to your body, extend, and repeat. While performing this exercise, remember to keep your shoulders pinched and eyes forward. Avoid slouching as well as any quick jerking motions. Repeat this exercise for 10 reps and continue for 3 sets.

For more in depth explanation of these exercises with pictures and others click here

Does it Heal On Its Own?

A herniated disc usually heals on its own. You just have to make sure that you are treating it right and that you are icing and heating it and stretching it. If it is severe pain you should rest it but otherwise you have to keep it mobile and move it around. Be patient with it and if your symptoms don’t get better in a few months, then you should see Dr. Han Jo Kim, an Orthopedic Spinal surgeon Westchester NY. Click here for more information. 

Contact Our Spinal Surgeon Manhattan

While practicing good ergonomics and following the tips mentioned above should help, pain may still persist. If this is the case, we urge you to visit our spinal surgeon Manhattan, so that you can get the care you need. We will work to assess your condition and determine a treatment plan that works for you. Let us help you on your road to recovery. To learn more or schedule an appointment, be sure to contact us today!

Spinal osteotomy is a surgical procedure aiming to relieve pressure on the spinal cord or nerve roots caused by severe scoliosis, degenerative disc disease, or other spine abnormalities. During this procedure, bone from the affected spine area is cut and repositioned to either lengthen or shorten it. This can help to restore proper alignment and reduce compression on the nerves. It’s best to contact Dr. Han Jo Kim, an spinal surgeon Manhattan, for more information how to treat your Spinal osteotomy.

Different Types Of Spinal Osteotomy

spinal surgeon Manhattan

There are different types of spinal osteotomy procedures depending on your specific condition and needs. The most common type involves removing a wedge-shaped part of one vertebrae and then reattaching it in a new position once the correct alignment has been restored. Another method involves cutting both sides of vertebrae to reduce its size, then fusing it to a neighboring vertebra to stabilize the spine.

Before undergoing spinal osteotomy surgery, your doctor will work with you to create a customized treatment plan based on your specific condition and goals. This may involve additional therapies or medications designed to help relieve any discomfort caused by your condition while also helping to prevent further damage. The surgery itself is typically performed under general anesthesia and takes around two hours to complete. While most people can recover fully within four months of their surgery, it’s important to follow all post-operative care instructions closely in order to ensure a healthy recovery.

If you have severe scoliosis or degenerative disc disease that is causing compression of the nerves in your spine, talk to your doctor about whether spinal osteotomy surgery may be a good treatment option for you. With proper care and rehabilitation following your surgery, you should be able to return to all of the activities you enjoy in no time at all.

Spinal osteotomy is a surgical procedure that can relieve pressure on the spinal cord or nerve roots caused by severe scoliosis, degenerative disc disease, or other spine abnormalities. It involves removing a wedge-shaped part of one vertebra and then reattaching it in a new position once the correct alignment has been restored. There are different types of spinal osteotomy procedures depending on your specific condition and needs. Before undergoing this surgery, your doctor will work with you to create a customized treatment plan that may include additional therapies or medications in order to help relieve any discomfort caused by your condition and prevent further damage. 

Surgery itself is typically performed under general anesthesia and takes around two hours to complete. While most people can recover fully within four months of their surgery, it’s important to follow all post-operative care instructions closely to ensure a healthy recovery. If you have severe scoliosis or degenerative disc disease that is causing compression on the nerves in your spine, talk to your doctor about whether spinal osteotomy surgery may be a good treatment option for you. With proper care and rehabilitation following your surgery, you should be able to return to all of the activities you enjoy in no time at all.

How To Cope With Spinal Osteotomy Pain

Coping with spinal osteotomy pain can be difficult, but with proper care and rehabilitation, you should be able to recover fully and return to all of the activities you enjoy. Here are a few tips to help you manage your pain:

  1. Talk to your doctor about your pain medication options and follow their instructions closely.
  2. Ice the affected area frequently to help reduce inflammation and swelling.
  3. Apply heat to the area as needed to help relieve stiffness and discomfort.
  4. Maintain good posture and alignment when standing, sitting, or walking.
  5. Perform stretching and strengthening exercises as directed by your doctor or physical therapist.
  6. Take it easy and avoid strenuous activities until your doctor clears you.

With proper care and rehabilitation, you should be able to manage your spinal osteotomy pain and make a full recovery.

Contact Our Spinal Surgeon Manhattan

Suppose you are dealing with severe scoliosis or degenerative disc disease that is causing compression of the nerves in your spine. In that case, Spinal osteotomy surgery may be a good treatment option for you. It’s best to contact Dr. Han Jo Kim a spinal surgeon Manhattan for more information how to treat your Spinal osteotomy.

Spinal injury is nothing to be taken lightly, as it can affect you for the rest of your life. Dr. Han Jo Kim specializes in surgery of the spine and provides a comprehensive patient care approach. For spinal surgeon Manhattan, please consider giving us a call. However, today we’re here to talk about spinal stenosis, a common condition that can have lifelong effects. 

What is Spinal Stenosis?

spinal surgeon Manhattan

Also called spinal narrowing, spinal stenosis is the narrowing of spaces inside your spine. This puts pressure on your nerves, of which there are 31 pairs in the spine. Spinal stenosis most often occurs in your neck and lower back. If you have spinal stenosis, you may be asymptomatic at first. However, many people experience pain, pins and needles, numbness, and weakness in the affected areas. These symptoms can all get worse, as well. Spinal stenosis is usually caused by complications related to the most common type of arthritis globally, osteoarthritis. The condition is treatable, but surgery might be suggested in severe circumstances, which is where we come in. 

There are two different types of spinal stenosis as well. These depend on where it appears on the spine. They are known as cervical stenosis, where it occurs in your neck. The other type is lumbar stenosis, which is your lower back and is more common. Now that we know these two types, we can elaborate more on the specific symptoms of spinal stenosis. 

For cervical stenosis, you may experience tingling or numbness in your hands, arms, legs, and feet. You may also experience weakness in all of these areas. If you have trouble balancing, walking, or experiencing neck pain, these can all be symptoms of cervical stenosis in your neck. In extremely severe circumstances, you may experience dysfunction of your bowels or bladder and incontinence in the worst case. For lumbar stenosis, the areas affected are primarily your legs and feet. Numbness, tingling, and weakness in these areas are common. Sometimes, pain and cramps may occur in your legs as well. In general, back pain is a good indicator of this case as well. Spinal stenosis also becomes more common with age, with most affected being over 50. 

What Causes Spinal Stenosis?

Although some people may be born with a narrow spinal canal, something usually has to happen to cause the narrowing to begin. This can be a wealth of things, including:

  • Bone overgrowth: Bone spurs growing into your canal can cause narrowing. This is usually prompted by arthritis.
  • Herniated disks: Your spine has soft tissue that acts as an absorber for shock. These can wear out with age and even crack. The damage from this can cause narrowing.
  • Thickened ligaments: The ligaments holding your spine together can become thickened and rigid. This intrusion can damage your canal. 
  • Tumors: A tumor within your spinal cord can do a wealth of damage, but thankfully are uncommon. 
  • Spinal injury: Any trauma to your spine can damage the canal and cause narrowing.

Treatment For Spinal Stenosis

However, treatment for this condition varies depending on the type and severity. Sometimes, just monitoring it is key before anything worsens. Make sure to be honest with your doctor. Your doctor may prescribe medications, such as pain relievers, antidepressants, and even opioids. Physical therapy is usually essential in treatment to prevent muscle atrophy. Physical therapists can help you build strength in key areas and keep you active, so the condition doesn’t sideline you permanently. Steroid injections are common to help with the pain.

Spinal Surgeon Manhattan

However, these vary from person to person and can have dangerous side effects. Sometimes, needles can be used to remove a thickened ligament and widen the canal. This, however, is only useful for those afflicted by that particular type of spinal stenosis. The procedure is called percutaneous image-guided lumbar decompression. Lastly, surgery may be performed to treat the condition. It is the most effective way to treat spinal stenosis, but spinal surgery is incredibly invasive and should be performed with caution. See down below for the types of surgery that can be performed for spinal stenosis are:

  • Laminectomy: Is a part of the affected vertebra is removed. 
  • Laminotomy: Only a portion of the line has a hole carved in for pressure relief.
  • Laminoplasty: This is performed in the neck to open up the canal.
  • Minimally Invasive Surgery: Occurs where the bone or lamina is removed in such a fashion as to reduce damage to the surrounding area. 

Dr. Han Jo Kim – Spinal Surgeon Manhattan

If any of this sounds like it could be relevant to you, please don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Han Jo Kim’s office for a spinal surgeon Manhattan. We will help you in any way we can. Click here to learn more about our services and how we can help you with your injury today!

    Elevate Your Spinal Care with the Expertise of Dr. Han Jo Kim in Manhattan

    Welcome to the forefront of spinal care, where innovation meets expertise. Dr. Han Jo Kim, an esteemed orthopedic spine surgeon in Manhattan, redefines the landscape of spinal health. This takes you on a journey through the advanced back care offered by Dr. Kim, exploring the intricacies of his approach and why his services stand out in the bustling realm of orthopedics. If you or your loved ones are grappling with spinal issues, understanding the revolutionary care provided by Dr. Han Jo Kim is paramount. From cutting-edge treatments to personalized care plans, discover why entrusting your spinal health to Dr. Kim can be the key to a pain-free, mobile life.

    What Sets Dr. Han Jo Kim Apart in Spinal Care?

    What distinguishes Dr. Han Jo Kim in the realm of orthopedic spine surgeons? Dr. Kim’s extensive expertise, backed by a board certification, sets him apart. His commitment to delivering the highest level of care is underscored by a fellowship at HSS (Hospital for Special Surgery). This extensive training positions him as a luminary in spinal care.

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    Back pain, a common grievance, demands more than conventional solutions. Dr. Han Jo Kim specializes in advanced back care, incorporating minimally-invasive techniques and surgical interventions like spinal fusion. Explore the range of treatment options available under his expert guidance.

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    From Diagnosis to Recovery: Dr. Kim’s Road to Recovery

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    Your Spinal Health, Our Priority

    Entrusting your spinal health to Dr. Han Jo Kim is an investment in a pain-free, mobile future. Whether you’re seeking relief from back pain or require surgical intervention, Dr. Kim’s expertise, coupled with his team’s dedication, ensures a personalized and world-class orthopedic experience. Schedule an appointment today and embark on the path to a healthier, more mobile you.