About Han Jo Kim, MD : Scoliosis Treatment Manhattan
While working as a spine surgeon at the Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS), Dr. Kim mastered his craft. Specializing in cervical spine and scoliosis surgery, he has helped patients overcome spinal issues and injuries through surgery for many years. After serving as the Director of the Spine Fellowship, Dr. Kim has become the leader and founder of our practice.
Dr. Kim’s time as a spinal surgeon has not fallen exclusively within the United States. He has dedicated time to work as a volunteer surgeon at the FOCUS hospital in Ghana, West Africa. Doing so allowed him to treat some of the rarest and most complex spinal conditions in pediatric and adult patients. Those who find themselves dealing with extremely rare or severe spinal conditions should feel confident coming to our practice for care. Dr. Kim has successfully operated on hundreds of rare and complex spinal deformities and takes this valuable experience into every operation he performs.
Our practice understands how devastating spinal issues can become. We also know that the nature of spinal surgery is extremely invasive. We want our patients to trust that spinal surgery will only be recommended when all of the treatment options have been exhausted. Dr. Kim and the rest of our staff’s primary goal is to get each patient who visits us back to full strength. When surgery is required for this goal, there are few better teams to work with than the one here at Dr. Han Jo Kim’s office.
Our Services
How Scoliosis Affects The Body
Scoliosis is a condition in which the spine curves to the side. The spine is supposed to be straight, so when it curves, it can cause problems with balance and alignment. Scoliosis can also lead to pain and difficulty moving. If you’re dealing with scoliosis, contact Dr. Han Jo Kim foscoliosis treatment Manhattan today! Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you!
Types of Scoliosis
There are two main types of scoliosis: congenital and idiopathic:
A problem causes congenital scoliosis with the spine at birth.
Idiopathic scoliosis is the most common type and usually starts in childhood or adolescence. It is not known what causes idiopathic scoliosis.
Scoliosis can cause pain because the curve in the spine can put pressure on the nerves. The curve can also make it difficult to breathe because the lungs may not be able to expand as much as they need to. In severe cases, scoliosis can cause the heart and other organs to become crowded and function less well.
Scoliosis is usually diagnosed with an X-ray. The doctor will look for a curve in the spine and measure how severe it is. The doctor may also order other tests, such as an MRI, to better look at the spine. Treatment for scoliosis depends on the severity of the curve. For mild curves, no treatment may be necessary. The child may need to be monitored to ensure the curve does not get worse. For more severe curves, treatment may include wearing a back brace or having surgery to straighten the spine. Scoliosis is a condition that can greatly impact a person’s life. Getting an early diagnosis and treatment is important to prevent the condition from worsening. If your child has scoliosis, talk to your doctor about the best treatment options. There are many ways to manage scoliosis and help improve quality of life.
Scoliosis Treatment Manhattan
There are a few things to consider regarding how scoliosis affects the body. For starters, scoliosis can cause the spine to curve to the side, which can then lead to a number of different issues. For example, if the spine is not aligned properly, it can strain the muscles and ligaments that support it. This can then lead to pain in the back and neck, as well as headaches.
Additionally, if the curve is severe enough, it can cause difficulty breathing. In some cases, scoliosis can also lead to deformities in other parts of the body, such as the ribs or hips. While all of these effects can be serious, they are usually only temporary and can be treated. However, in severe cases, scoliosis can cause permanent damage to the spine and other parts of the body. If you think you may have scoliosis, it is important to see a doctor so that they can properly diagnose and treat the condition.
Treatment For Scoliosis
There is no cure for scoliosis, but treatment can help reduce pain and improve quality of life. The type of treatment depends on the severity of the condition. For mild scoliosis, no treatment may be necessary. The doctor may monitor the condition to ensure it doesn’t get worse. If the curve worsens, the doctor may recommend wearing a back brace. A back brace can stop the curve from worsening and may even help reduce it. The doctor may recommend surgery to straighten the spine for more severe scoliosis. Surgery is usually only recommended for people with severe curves that are getting worse. It is a big decision to have surgery, so be sure to talk to your doctor about all the risks and benefits.
After scoliosis surgery, you will need to wear a back brace for several months. The brace will help keep your spine in the correct position while it heals. You may also need physical therapy to help improve your range of motion and reduce pain. Scoliosis can be a serious condition, but there are many ways to treat it. With early diagnosis and treatment, most people with scoliosis can live normal, healthy lives.
Contact Dr. Han Jo Kim For Scoliosis Treatment Manhattan
Scoliosis is a condition that affects the spine, causing it to twist and curve. It can cause pain, problems with breathing and difficulty moving. Scoliosis can also lead to serious health problems like heart and lung damage. If you’re dealing with scoliosis, contact Dr. Han Jo Kim for scoliosis treatment Manhattan today! Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you!
Can Scoliosis Be Corrected?
When scoliosis surgery is required, the actions that must be taken to finish this process must come through consultation with a doctor. Dr. Han Jo Kim is an expert spine surgeon who specializes in scoliosis treatment Manhattan, and he explores, if and how scoliosis can be corrected.
What Exactly Is Scoliosis?
Scoliosis is a complicated condition that involves several simultaneous problems. Scoliosis causes a 3-dimensional change in the spine, most notably generating a curvature to one side or the other, but it also frequently results in the spine’s rotation. A normal spine will seem straight when viewed from behind. The spine of someone with scoliosis may appear to curve in a C or S form from the back. Scoliosis gradually throws off the body’s equilibrium, resulting in muscular imbalances, postural disorders, and difficulty with range of motion. Scoliosis can be difficult to detect, especially in the early stages. Usually, the condition has advanced for some time before any visible symptoms arise. Visible symptoms of scoliosis may include but are not limited to:
Uneven shoulders.
One shoulder blade appears more prominent than the other.
Uneven waist.
One hip is situated higher than the other.
Scoliosis is a condition that most commonly manifests itself when an adolescent approaches puberty. The ideal time to monitor and treat this problem is while the patient is still a child. Even if a child has a mild instance of pediatric scoliosis, it can swiftly worsen into a much more serious issue if left untreated. Over time without adequate treatment, the spinal curvature could worsen and make adolescence and adulthood unnecessarily difficult.
Not all scoliosis cases are discovered when a person is still a child. Scoliosis that manifests or is discovered after this time is adult scoliosis. It happens after the spine has fully grown. The most typical reason for adult scoliosis development involves spinal degeneration where damage to the structure’s integrity leads to spinal curvatures. Even though there are few life-changing symptoms associated with adult scoliosis and treatment isn’t required in all cases, surgery may occasionally be advised. Surgery may be an option for adult scoliosis patients suffering with:
Leg aches, numbness, or weakness.
Decrease in height.
Pelvis or hip alignment that is uneven.
Chronic back pain.
Treatment For Scoliosis:
Bracing is the main method of treatment and management for scoliosis. To encourage the right spinal growth pattern, patients wear a back brace that locks their posture into a position optimal for appropriate growth. However, for some individuals bracing does not work to stop the development of a severe form of scoliosis. In this situation, doctors like Dr. Han Jo Kim, scoliosis treatment Manhattan, will most likely advise having surgery. There are generally three categories of surgery to treat Scoliosis:
Fusion-free: placing screws on the outside of the spine and connecting them with a cord, then tightening the cord to straighten the entire structure.
Fusion: the process of joining two or more vertebrae at the spinal joint, which prevents or reduces spinal curvature.
Growing systems: anchoring surgical rods to the spine to control the direction of proper spine growth.
A doctor will assess the proper procedure for you and your specific case.
The Bottom-Line
If identified early enough, the scoliotic curve can be corrected utilizing techniques such as contemporary active bracing. Muscle imbalances can be addressed with the right physical treatment techniques, such as exercise designed specifically for scoliosis. In the short term, alternative therapies like massage may help with scoliosis pain; however, data suggest that longer-term pain management strategies like bracing may also be effective.
Since the underlying issue cannot be treated, continual treatment is necessary to prevent scoliosis from recurring. Scoliosis symptoms can therefore be treated in several ways. The advancement of scoliosis normally stops once a patient reaches skeletal maturity, and any further development can be stopped with the right exercises. So while many of the symptoms of Scoliosis can be managed to the point where it appears to no longer be an issue, the underlying cause can never be fully cured.
Contact Han Jo Kim, MD, Spine Surgeon: Scoliosis Treatment Manhattan!
Scoliosis doesn’t have to control your life and dictate what you can or can’t do! Han Jo Kim, MD, has worked with many people who have scoliosis to help them live their lives to the fullest. Contact expert Dr. Han Jo Kim, Spine Surgeon, for scoliosis treatment plan options today!
Is Walking Good For Scoliosis?
Scoliosis is the curving of the spine that happens during growth spurts just before puberty. However, scoliosis can be caused by cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy. The causes of the majority of scoliosis are unknown. Most scoliosis cases are mild but can get worse as children grow older. Extreme curves in the spine can cause some problems in the chest area, making it hard for the lungs to function properly. Children with scoliosis are monitored closely to prevent the curve from worsening, usually through x rays. Children are given a brace to wear to prevent scoliosis from getting worse, but in some cases, surgery to might be needed to realign the spine if the issue is severe. Contact Dr. Han Jo Kim, scoliosis treatment Manhattan, and see how we can help your today!
One shoulder blade appears more prominent than the other
Your waist is uneven
One hip higher than the other
If the scoliosis twist worsens, the ribs on one side of the body will stick out farther than the other. Though most doctors don’t know how most scoliosis happens. Here are some of the causes of scoliosis can be:
Neuromuscular conditions, such as cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy
Congenital disabilities affecting the development of the bones of the spine
Injuries to or infection of the spine
Age – Scoliosis signs usually begin during a growth spurt just before puberty.
Sex – Though both girls and boys develop scoliosis at relatively the same rate, girls are at a much higher risk of developing a severe curve which will need treatment.
Family history – Scoliosis can be genetically passed down, but most cases are.
Some complications that one will experience difficulties such as:
Heart and lung damage – In severe cases, the rib cage can press against the lungs and heart, making it harder to breathe and hearts to pump.
Back problems – Adults who had scoliosis as a child are at risk of experiencing chronic back pain.
Appearance – As it worsens, physical appearance can change, such as uneven shoulders, noticeable ribs, and a shift in the waist and trunk to the side.
Scoliosis Treatment Manhattan
Most mild cases of scoliosis can treat with particular exercises and stretches, removing the need for surgery. Research has found specific types of exercises for scoliosis have significant benefits, as always consult with your doctor or physical therapist to find the best exercises and stretches for you. The best scoliosis exercise is based on a person’s own scoliosis experience. Your doctor can recommend the following exercise:
Pelvic tilts– this exercise will help stretch tight muscles in the hips and lower back.
Arm and leg raise- this exercise can strengthen your lower back.
Cat camel- the cat camel is a yoga pose. It keeps the spine flexible and pain-free.
Bird dog- another yoga exercise
Latissimus dorsi stretch- people can stretch the latissimus dorsi (the largest muscle in the lower back). Thoracic scoliosis directly affects these muscles. Lumbar scoliosis can cause back tension that travels up to the latissimus dorsi.
Abdominal press- having a strong core can alleviate stress from your back. Furthermore, it promotes having good posture.
Practice good posture- good posture can reduce pain and muscle tension. Realigning your spine several times a day to help with natural posture.
Targeted programs- scientific exercises approach to scoliosis (SEAS) is a personalized program that shows a person to steadily correct movement issues and changes the position of their spine. The best exercise program depends on what type of scoliosis you have. In addition to that talking to your doctor or physical therapy to see which exercises are safe to do from home and which ones are not.
Walking and running (sprints)
Exercises To Avoid
Bending your neck forward to where it faces down like when using a phone.
Playing high impact sports
Ballet or gymnastics
Repeatedly extending the torso
Exposing spine to repeated impacts
Dr. Han Jo Kim – Scoliosis Treatment Manhattan
Dr. Han Jo Kim is a spinal surgeon in New York. Most scoliosis cases are mild but can get worse as children grow older. Also, extreme curves in the spine can cause some problems in the chest area, making it hard for the lungs to function properly. So if you need a scoliosis treatment Manhattan, look no further because Dr. Han jo Kim is the best for the job. To learn more about Dr. Han Jo Kim, visit his website to learn more about how we can help today!
What is a Spinal Deformity Surgery?
Our spines are the backbones of our body and in the literal sense too! The spine gives our body structure, support, and mobility to carry throughout the days in our daily lives. It is very important to make sure our spines are in place and stress-free. We need our spines to serve messages throughout the body and for structural support. Dr. Han Jo Kim, scoliosis treatment Manhattan, is your go-to provider. His primary objective is always to help and provide patients with the best care, treatment plan, and recovery journey! Contact us for a consultation today and be on the road to a better, painless you!
How Does the Spine Work?
The spine is our body’s support structure that keeps us upright. It connects the different parts of our skeletal system such as our head, chest, pelvis, shoulders, arms, and legs. The spine consists of a chain of bones but has flexibility due to elastic ligaments and spinal discs.
What is Spinal Deformity?
Spinal deformity occurs when the spinal alignment and curvature are altered in many ways. These can occur due to:
Birth Defect
Child’s Growth
Previous Spine Surgery
But the most common form of spinal deformity is degenerative scoliosis, which is the side-to-side curvature of that spine that can develop in adults when facet joints and discs begin to deteriorate.
The 101 on Scoliosis
Scoliosis is a condition with an abnormal curvature of the spine. That means the spine is curved from side to side or in an “S” or “C” shape. The top two causes are pinpointed as neurological abnormalities and genetic conditions.
Common Types:
Research has broken down scoliosis into a few different categories. The most common seen are:
Idiopathic – used to describe the cases that have no definite cause
Congenital – used to describe spinal deformities are apparent at birth
Neurological – used to describe when nerve abnormalities affect muscles in the spine
Structural – used to describe that the spinal curve is caused by a disease, injury, or birth defect and that it is permanent
Nonstructural- used to describe that the spinal curve is temporary and that it can be fixed
Research shows that the causes often cannot be fully determined but common factors noted by our scoliosis treatment Manhattan are:
Cerebral palsy
Muscular dystrophy
Birth defects
Spinal injuries or infections
Past family history
Treatment Options for Scoliosis
Treatment plans are determined by several factors such:
Your age
Amount & type of curvature
The type of scoliosis
Treatment options include:
Selfcare – Using correct posture and keeping the spine aligned
Physical Therapy– Exercising and conditioning are key elements for life- long health
Medication– Help cope with pain and swelling
Bracing– This method does not strengthen the spine but can prevent the curve from increasing
Chiropractic Care– Applied pressure to an area to align bones and return joints to a more normal motion
Surgery – This method is for people whose curvature is interrupting daily life
Spinal surgery is an extremely risky process is can include: excessive bleeding, failure to heal, infection, pain, and nerve damage
It is recommended to those in severe need
What is Spinal Deformity Surgery?
Spinal deformation medical procedure is expanding in current spine medical procedure practice. As the normal future expands and the populace maturing advances, the number of patients requiring spinal disfigurement medical procedures will keep on expanding. The predominance of spinal deformation was accounted for to be more than 65% in the populace more established than 60 years. Spinal distortion causes agony and inability. Patients having spinal distortion experience chronic weakness-related personal satisfaction.
How Can Our Scoliosis Treatment Manhattan Help?
The drawn-out standpoint for scoliosis relies upon how extreme the shape is. For gentle to direct cases, the condition will not meddle with regular exercises and capacities. People with serious types of scoliosis may have actual constraints. Dr. Han Jo Kim, scoliosis treatment Manhattan is your go-to person. He has years of experience, knowledge, and expertise to provide you with the best course of action. His primary objective is always to help and provide patients with the best care, treatment plan, and recovery journey! Contact us for a consultation today and be on the road to a better, painless you!