Han Jo Kim, MD

Spine surgery is extremely complex, and Dr. Han Jo Kim prides himself on providing a comprehensive patient care approach when determining treatment options. He believes in having a dynamic approach to surgery and aims to provide the best surgical treatment for each patient based on an individual’s needs, expectations, and lifestyle. He works to help patients explore all other surgery alternatives before recommending patients for scoliosis surgery in Westchester County.

Here at the office of Han Jo Kim, MD, we specialize in treating ailments of the spine. The spine is a crucial structure of the body, which works to offer support while also protecting the nerves that control both movement and feeling. Injuries to this area can be highly detrimental to your health. That is why you need to work with a trusted expert who is well versed in this area of care. Dr. Kim is an expert in this field and will help provide the treatment options necessary to give patients the best chance at making a full recovery.

Scoliosis Surgery in Westchester County

At the office of Han Jo Kim, MD, our primary objective is to help patients recover from spinal ailments. We have the staff members necessary to help steer you towards a full recovery through using routine procedures and treating rare and complex deformities of the area. Upon your decision to work with our team, we’ll communicate with the medical professionals you’ve previously met, helping us to understand the issue you are plagued with better. Once accomplished, we’ll inform you of which of our services will provide the most benefits to your condition.

Scoliosis Surgery

Scoliosis is a spinal condition that typically presents itself in a child during growth spurts that occur right before puberty. Although usually not a significant health concern, this condition can have many problematic results if left untreated. In severe enough cases, surgery will be required to improve the patient’s health. Dr. Kim will walk you through when scoliosis surgery is necessary and what steps are necessary to help complete this process.

Dr. Kim is well versed in performing the following procedures: Spinal Fusion Spinal Tethering Growing Rod Placement Spinal Osteotomies

What Is Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine. Only about 3% of the adolescent population have scoliosis, and in most cases, they are mild. However, as children grow older, some will find their scoliosis to become more severe. When the spine’s curving is left unchecked, it can reduce the amount of space in one’s chest, causing difficulty breathing. That is why even mild cases need to be closely monitored. Fortunately, the signs and symptoms can be easy to identify. These warnings signs may potentially include the following:

  • Uneven shoulders.
  • One-shoulder blade appears more prominently than the other.
  • An uneven waist.
  • One hip is higher than the other.

Pediatric Scoliosis

As previously stated, scoliosis is a condition that generally occurs right as an adolescent is approaching puberty. It is always best to monitor and correct this condition when it is still a pediatric case. Even if a patient is dealing with a mild pediatric scoliosis case, it can quickly divulge into a much worse problem if left unchecked. As the child grows, the spinal curvature can worsen, making adolescent and adult life a nightmare. That is why our team will likely recommend pediatric scoliosis surgery if we believe the condition will run rampant over time.

Adult Scoliosis 

Not all cases of scoliosis are found during the pediatric stages of life. When scoliosis presents itself or is found after this period, it is known as adult scoliosis. In other words, it takes place after spine growth is complete. There are several causes of adult scoliosis. However, the most common one involves the degeneration of the spine. Issues with the integrity of this structure cause the spine to curve, leading to scoliosis. Although adult scoliosis does not come with many life-altering symptoms and no treatment is necessary, there are times where a surgery will be recommended. If you develop any of the below, an operation will likely be in your future:

  • Leg pain, weakness, or numbness.
  • Loss of height.
  • Uneven alignment of the hips or pelvis.
  • Constant back pain.

The Goals Of Scoliosis Surgery

The primary form of care for treating and managing scoliosis is bracing. Patients wear a back brace to promote the proper spinal growth pattern. However, some patients will find that bracing is not preventing a severe case of scoliosis from occurring. When this is the case, Dr. Kim will likely recommend undergoing surgery. Doing so will potentially help to achieve the below three goals:

  • Stopping the spinal curve’s progression.
  • Reducing the curve (usually by 50% to 70%).
  • Maintain your overall trunk balance.

Types Of Scoliosis Surgery

There are generally three categories of surgery that Dr. Kim may perform. Your condition will be thoroughly assessed before determining which type of operation will be most beneficial to your state. These categories can include:

  • Fusion: Fusing two or more of the vertebrae to grow together at the spinal joint and stopping/limiting spinal curving.
  • Growing systems: This surgical process will involve anchoring surgical rods to the spine to correct/maintain the spine curvature during growth.
  • Fusionless: Fusionless surgery can involve placing screws on the spine’s outer side and then pulling them taut with a cord to straighten the structure.

Signs Of Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a very common condition that causes a sideways curvature of the spine. The condition typically occurs during growth spurts just prior to puberty. If you feel you may have scoliosis, you should check with Scoliosis Surgery in Westchester County. Dr. Han Jo Kim is an educated professional located in this area that specializes in correcting scoliosis in patients. 

Causes of Scoliosis: 

The Mayo Clinic states that the most common cause of scoliosis remains to be unknown. Researchers feel it may involve hereditary factors; considering it seems to appear commonly in families. Less common types of scoliosis can result from neuromuscular conditions. For example, cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy. Birth defects that may have occurred during the development of the spine and injuries to the spine are believed to be a factor that results in this condition. 

What are Signs of Scoliosis?

Besides the most common sign of scoliosis; leaning while you stand, there are a large number of other signs/ symptoms. Some of the most common signs are: 

  • A visible curve in back
  • Shoulders, waist, and hip can look uneven
  • One shoulder bald may look bigger than the other side
  • Ribs stick out on one side of the body 

Not only are there visible symptoms to scoliosis, but there are physical ones as well. Someone suffering from scoliosis is commonly affected by back stiffness and lower back pain. Scoliosis can result in pinched nerves; leading to numbness in one’s legs. Lastly, fatigue is a common sign of scoliosis as well due to muscle strains. If you are experiencing any of these signs you should definitely contact Dr. Han Jo Kim.

Many children are checked for scoliosis at their annual pediatrician visits. This is done by the child leaning over from the waist, so the doctor can check for a curve. The doctor will most likely prescribe an x-ray or MRI to confirm a diagnosis.  


Most commonly, children with scoliosis will wear a brace on a daily basis. The brace will not cure this condition or fix previous damage. Instead, it prevents the spine from curving anymore than it already has. The braces are worn both day and night; and are also contoured to fit each child’s body perfectly. The brace is worn until the child completes puberty, and will not grow anymore. 

If the severity of the scoliosis is high, a doctor will probably recommend surgery. The surgery will allow the severity of the curve in the spine to be stopped. The most common type of scoliosis surgery is known as a spinal fusion. The spinal fusion is one of Dr. Han Jo Kim’s most well mastered surgeries he performs on his scoliosis patients. 

Risk Factors

Research shows some risk factors that can increase one’s chances of having this condition. 

  • Age: Signs typically arise right before puberty 
  • Gender: Both males and females develop this condition at the same rate; females have a higher risk of the curve worsening 
  • Family history: Can run in the family

Give Us A Call Today

Dr. Han Jo Kim also provides a section on his website that allows you to read reviews from his past patients. All of the patients had a great experience with him and wanted to share their stories. The stories range from spine revision surgery to spine fusion, and of course scoliosis. 

You should take a look at these stories and see how they relate to you. It may allow you to feel more comfortable and confident about your condition. Reading about others who may have had the same condition as you, and overcame many obstacles will definitely help. After seeing how  Dr. Han Jo Kim’s patients thrived after treatment/surgery, you will feel less fearful of any treatments you plan on receiving in the future. 

Contact us For Scoliosis Surgery in Westchester County!

If you suffer from any of these symptoms or have any questions about treatment; feel free to contact Dr. Han Jo Kim. Dr. Han Jo Kim has offices located on Long Island and NYC. His main focus for all of his patients to recover fully from all their spine ailments, and feel better than ever. The services he specializes in are cervical spine surgery, scoliosis surgery, and spinal deformity surgery. Besides excelling in all of those areas, one can see that he has won multiple awards since 2005 on his website as well. His office accepts a large variety of different insurances; to help provide  aid and treatment to as many patients as he can.

Should I Consider Back Surgery?

The lower back is one of the leading concerns in the United States. This pain commonly links back to lifting incorrectly, posture, and constant stress on the lower back. Spine specialist Dr. Han Jo Km is the go-to person for anything and everything spine-related. At our office, we have the warmest smiles and great recoveries. Contact us today for a consultation! We are eager to hear from you. Dr. Han Jo Kim provides exceptional Scoliosis Surgery in Westchester County. Book an appointment today and be on the road to a successful recovery!

What is Low Back Pain?

Low back pain is referred to as the lumbar region. It is the area of the back that starts below the ribcage. The lumbar spine is a well-engineered structure of interconnecting bones, joints, nerves, ligaments, and muscles all working together. They provide support, strength, and flexibility. Being such a great and interactive structure it leaves tons of room for injury and pain.

At one point in life, almost anyone and everyone will experience such pain. It is the leading cause of missed work in the United States. But, with proper care and treatment, it can get better on its own. 

Causes of Lower Back Pain

Lower back injury is often caused by overuse and it being super stressed. The most common cause happens to be incorrect lifting. When you tend to lift with bad posture, the muscles in your back tend to be stressed and do not work properly. This often causes a greater load and amount of stress throughout the bones, ligaments, and discs in your spine ultimately leading to injury. Some common causes tend to be:

  • Lifting a heavy object 
  • Twisting the spine while lifting 
  • Sudden movements that place too much stress on the low back
  • Poor posture over time 
  • Sports injuries 
  • Past injuries 
  • Family medical history

It is always important to remember that the amount of weight one can lift varies from gender to gender. These are a few things to keep in mind that can cause injury:

  • Excessive tiredness
  • Bad posture
  • Untidy work areas
  • Awkward looks 
  • History of back trouble 

Posture is everything and our spine needs to be thought of and given extra attention. Here is a guide to keeping in mind safe lifting;

  1. identify the object, plan- Ask yourself does it require an extra set of hands and if it can be reduced in weight?
  2. Holding the object- Figure out how to where to hold the object from- avoid any sharp edges or anything difficult to grasp.
  3. Posture- Remember to always lift with the knees and keep your back straight.
  4. Lifting – Make sure to have a smooth transition, bend your knees, and do not jerk or twist your body
  5. Walking with a Load- Keep the load as close to your body as possible
  6. Unloading – When you reach the location make sure to adjust to position.

Self Care for Low Back Pain

Self care is a must when it comes to any or every condition. Basic remedies. Tend to help the individual to practice better routines and also reduce the effects of chronic pains. Some self-care methods include:

  • Short rest period 
  • Activity modification 
  • Heat & Ice Therapy
  • Over the counter medications 

Contact Us For Scoliosis Surgery in Westchester County

Dr. Han Jo Kim is a reliable, trustworthy provider when it comes to anything related to your spine. He is an exceptional Spine Surgeon specializing in cervical spine and scoliosis surgery. Dr. Han Jo Kim is known for providing a comprehensive approach to all his patients.  At our office, we help patients recover from spinal ailments. Our staff helps to provide all the necessary care for a great recovery. We provide services including:  

  • Cervical Spine Surgery 
  • Scoliosis Surgery
  • Spinal Deformity Surgery
  • Many other spine surgeries 

Contact us today for a consultation! We are eager to hear from you. Dr. Han Jo Kim is an exceptional Scoliosis Surgery in Westchester County. Book an appointment today and be on the road to a happy recovery!