Orthopedic Back Specialist Long Island

orthopedic back specialist Long Island

There are many causes of back pain such as overuse or even sitting and laying down too much. It is important to have a healthy balance. If you have been unfortunate enough to suffer from a back injury, you should consider reaching out to us, Han Jo Kim MD. He is an orthopedic back specialist Long Island that’s well versed in solving the problems of your own back pain problems.

People often think that an isolated occurrence or injury is to blame for their back problems. But, a single cause usually can’t be pinpointed, preferably there are several underlying conditions that can contribute to pain in the back area. 

Common Causes of Back Pain

  • Heavy lifting
  • Poor sitting posture 
  • Frequent bending forward
  • Old age
  • Obesity

Obviously, these are not the only causes of back pain, but they are pretty common among individuals who struggle with this. There are ways to prevent back pain but also it could be genetic and there is no way to prevent, only treat. Dr. Han Jo Kim, an orthopedic back specialist Long Island will be able to treat your pain and help you feel as good as new. 

Why Does Pain Occur?

Heavy Lifting

Repeated heavy lifting in awkward or wrong positions can strain your back muscles and spinal ligaments. If you are in poor physical condition, constant heavy lifting can cause muscle spasms that can be painful. If you feel this happening, make sure to rest your back and apply heat and or ice to the pained area. If the pain continues, make sure to call Dr.Han Jo Kim and he will be sure to treat you.

Poor Sitting Posture

Poor posture will not immediately cause pain to your back. But, over time it could cause changes to your spine which will lead to back aching. It could also cause nerve damage because after a while, the pressure on your spine will cause it to move, causing pain. 

Frequent bending forward

The worst posture is sitting and leaning forward. This will cause your pelvis to lock and put pressure on the vertebrae. The further you lean forward, the more wear and tear you put on your discs. To prevent this, make sure to try to move around every 20 minutes to stretch out your back. Especially with working from home you have to make sure you get out on your break and move around. That is the best way to prevent these back aches. Learn more here

Old Age

As we get older the chances for back pain increases. The disks that are between the vertebrae start to rub together causing them to shrink. This will create that back paint that no one is looking for. This pain can be excruciating yet there is no way to prevent it. In addition, over time, the space around our spinal cord gets smaller. This condition, known as spinal stenosis, is known for putting pressure on the cord and spinal nerves, creating pain. 


Back pain tends to affect about one third of people that are considered obese. When you carry more weight than you’re supposed to, particularly around the midsection, your pelvis will be pulled forward. Every additional pond that you gain will add more strain to your back muscles. Call an orthopedic back specialist Long Island to get treated immediately!

Some At Home Solutions 

Try to stretch to strengthen your back muscles. The more flexible you are the more you can move and use your back without feeling that strenuous pain. You can take OTC pain relievers to try and relieve some of the pain. But, if this is going on for a while then I would not recommend taking a pain reliever everyday. It’s not good for you and you will end up building a tolerance and will need more and more of the drug. If your pain is persistent then call Dr. Han Jo Kim and you will be assisted. For more information on ways to treat yourself click here

Contact Our Orthopedic Back Specialist Long Island

While taking all of the preventative measures listed above and practicing good health, pain may still persist. If this is the case, we urge you to visit our orthopedic back specialist Long Island, so that you can get the care you need. We will work to assess your condition and determine a treatment plan that works for you. If you would like your pain to subside, be sure to contact us today!

Scoliosis can be an unfortunate condition that, when left untreated, can cause an individual a lot of discomfort. Dr. Han Jo Kim is one of the most experienced scoliosis doctors in NYC that specializes in scoliosis surgery. We believe that you should not hesitate to seek treatment. To learn more about this condition and how Dr. Kim can help you treat it, contact us today!

How Can Our Orthopedic Back Specialist Long Island Help You?

Most of us have had some sort of back pain from one time or another. Whether we tweaked it when we got up in the morning, or an accident causes more chronic pain to develop in your back, we’ve all had to deal with back pain. Living with back pain from day to day can be hard to swallow. From waking up to settling down for the night, and even trying to go to sleep, there are things that are ultimately hindered or limited by back pain. This chronic back pain has a hard time healing on its own and may need to be manipulated in order to heal properly. There are also complications that can arise after having lasting chronic back pain that doesn’t subside. These complications include both mental and physical attributes of back pain which can become stronger over time if not treated correctly by our orthopedic back specialist Long Island, Dr. Han Jo Kim

Understanding this, it’s safe to say that we should all steer clear of any back pain in the near future. There are treatments and treatment alternatives that can help elevate the pain, but why get to that point in the first place. The best way to start preventing back pain, according to our orthopedic back specialist Long Island, is to first understand how back pain can come up in the first place and what pain is. That’s why we recommend first going into the specifics on how back pain is caused before we can explain how to prevent it.

Causes of Back Pain

There are typical causes of most injuries that could range from one traumatic moment for a specific area of the body or that same area of the body being used and labored too much for it to properly heal. The overuse injury is one of the many ways in which back pain can be caused and usually features the victim of the injury lifting or working out too much. These activities can put a serious strain on the muscles without proper recovery and insight into how much weight you can physically lift or handle in a sitting without injury. This idea is continued with the inclusion of sitting and other activities that for a prolonged period of time could cause overuse injury in the back. While this back pain from prolonged periods is important to understand for daily life, there are some other ways that back pain can be caused and sustained in the body. For example accidents and sudden physically traumatic events like a car accident could cause spinal misalignment and ultimately sustained back pain that won’t go away overnight.

Something Dr. Han Jo Kim, orthopedic back specialist Long Island, points out that continuing the several activities listed that can cause back pain can sustain the ailment and ultimately make it worse. This may go without saying for some things, while others may try to push themselves to get over the pain when trying to work their back out. This cannot be the case because the back pain experienced will only get sorer and heighten the severity of the ailment the more the painful part of the back is exercised. Our back pain doctor on the long island also weighed in the fact that back pain prevention is also about strengthening the back muscles the right way. This means not over lifting with reps, weights, or not waiting for a recovery. This also means that correct form and posture while performing these back strengthening exercises is crucial to a long-standing and efficient back strengthening schedule. 

Back Pain Prevention

Out of the seven days in the week, Our orthopedic back specialist Long Island recommends spending two days strengthening your back along with making sure there is ample time to recover in between the two days. This would mean putting a one-to-two day interval between the days that you’re strengthening your back in order to optimize the week around holistically working out while remaining back-conscious. Furthermore, the best way to prevent back pain is by working on your posture. Slouching while walking and sitting down puts too much emphasis on one part of the back and will ultimately weaken your back to the point where your lower back support is uneven and will be feeling the effects of chronic back pain.

Orthopedic Back Specialist Long Island

From this information, there is a lot to cover when it comes to properly supporting your back and ways to prevent further injuring an already injured back. For more information on how you or a loved one worrying about chronic can learn about ways to prevent it, visit our website, today!

A fractured vertebra occurs when one or more bones in the spine break. Spinal fractures can vary in severity, therefore varying in treatment. More serious spine fractures that result from high-energy trauma can require emergency treatment. Vertebrae fractures can also result from a lower-impact event, such as a minor fall, if bone insufficiency occurs. Our orthopedic back specialist Long Island can recommend the proper course of action no matter how you fractured a vertebra. Dr. Han Jo Kim treats various back and spine injuries with surgical and nonsurgical remedies.

Causes of a Fractured Vertebra

spinal surgeon in nyc

Most spinal fractures occur in the thoracic spine in the mid-back, the lumbar spine at the lower back, or the thoracolumbar junction, which connects the two. Fractures of these parts may result from high-energy trauma that occurred from the following:

  • Car or motorcycle accident
  • Fall from a significant height
  • Sports accident
  • Violent act

Many times people who experience high-energy trauma have additional injuries along with a fractured vertebra. The spinal cord and its nerves can also be affected. Spinal fractures can also be a result of bone insufficiency. People with underlying conditions, such as osteoporosis or tumors, can fracture a vertebra even during low-impact events, such as reaching, twisting, or falling. 

Flexion Fracture Pattern

A flexion fracture pattern can consist of either a compression fracture or an axial burst fracture. A compression fracture occurs when the front of the vertebrae breaks loose and loses height, but the back part does not. Compression fractures occur most in patients with osteoporosis. An axial burst fracture occurs when the vertebrae loses height on the front and back sides. It is often caused by landing on your feet from a significant height. 

Extension Fracture Pattern

A flexion/distraction fracture is a type of extension fracture pattern. In a flexion/distraction fracture, the vertebrae becomes pulled apart. This unstable fracture can result from a collision where the upper body is thrown forward, and the pelvis is stabilized.

Rotation Fracture Pattern

A transverse process fracture and a fracture-dislocation are two rotation fracture patterns. A transverse process fracture is a rare fracture that results from rotation or extreme sideways bending. A fracture-dislocation is an unstable injury where a vertebra moves off an adjacent vertebra. A fracture-dislocation can result in severe spinal cord compression.

Symptoms of a Fractured Vertebra

A fracture of the spine results in moderate to severe pain. If the spinal cord or the surrounding nerves are involved, bowel or bladder dysfunction can accompany. Some specific symptoms of a vertebra fracture that our orthopedic back specialist Long Island can address includes:

  • Sudden onset of back pain
  • Movement makes the pain worse
  • Lying on one’s back makes the pain less intense
  • Limited mobility of the spine
  • Height loss
  • Deformity and disability

Examination of the Spine

Patients who knowingly fracture any part of the spine should seek emergency treatment. The doctor will conduct a thorough evaluation of your injury at the emergency room. They can order imaging tests such as x-rays, CT scans, and MRI scans to examine the severity of the fracture. After determining the fracture pattern and its seriousness, the doctor will then recommend a treatment course. 

Treatment of a Fractured Vertebra

Treatment for a spinal fracture depends on if there are other injuries, the particular fracture pattern, and whether there is a neurological injury. If a fracture is on the less severe side, the fracture can be treated with bracing for six to 12 weeks. Physical therapy and rehabilitation after bracing can help avoid post-injury problems. 

Contact Orthopedic Back Specialist Long Island

Surgery with our orthopedic back specialist Long Island can be recommended if the fracture includes the following:

  • Multiple bone fragments
  • Severe loss of body height
  • Excessive forward bending or angulation at the injury site
  • Significant nerve injury
  • Ligament damage making the spine unstable

Surgery can be performed through an anterior, lateral, or posterior approach, depending on the fracture pattern. Specialized instruments are used during the surgery. Metal screws, rods, and cages are also used to stabilize the spine. The ultimate goal of surgery is to do the following:

  • Return the bones to their proper position
  • Stabilize the fracture
  • Relieve pressure the spinal cord and nerves
  • Enhance early movement

Contact Orthopedic Back Specialist Long Island

A fractured vertebra should not be taken lightly and should receive the best care from a qualified specialist. Consider our team if you have recently experienced fractured vertebrae and require a orthopedic back specialist Long Island to perform treatment. Dr. Han Jo Kim can treat various spinal issues and injuries through surgery. Contact us today if you are interested in meeting with our spine surgeon and discussing surgical options.

Orthopedic Back Specialist Long Island

Lower back pain is a recurring issue among many people. Back pain can result from an underlying condition or can occur due to repetitive motions. Our orthopedic back specialist Long Island recommends doing daily stretches and exercises to relieve your back of its pain. Some stretches that our specialist may recommend performing includes the child’s pose, the knee-to-chest stretch, the piriformis stretch, and the cat-cow stretch. Dr. Han Jo Kim can help you alleviate back pain because he specializes in treating back pain and injuries.

Stretching Your Back With Our Orthopedic Back Specialist Long Island

When stretching your back it is important to do so with caution and resist overstretching. Especially if you have an underlying illness or injury, be mindful of your limits. Follow these tips to get the most out of stretching your back:

  • Wear comfortable clothing that allows you to move freely.
  • Do not force your body into any positions that are too painful.
  • Move into your stretches slowly to avoid straining.
  • Use a clean, flat surface to perform your stretches on.
  • Stretch one side of your body at a time.
  • Be aware of your breathing.
  • Do what feels best for your body. 

Reach out to our back pain specialist in NYC if you have any questions or concerns about your back pain. We would be happy to help you soothe your pain and other symptoms.

Child’s Pose 

The child’s pose is one pose that you can do to stretch your back and its muscles. It is a traditional yoga pose used to relieve pain from the upper body. It also stretches the gluteus maximus, thigh muscles, and spinal extensors. This pose benefits your back because it loosens tight lower back muscles. Follow these steps to achieve the child’s pose accurately:

  1. Sit on your heels with your knees touching the ground.
  2. Bend at the hips as you reach forward with your hands.
  3. Allow your stomach to touch your thighs.
  4. Hold this position for one minute and remember to be conscious of your slow breathing.

Knee-To-Chest Stretch

Another pose that you can perform to stretch your back is the knee-to-chest stretch. While stretching you lower back, the pose also allows your hips, thighs, and glutes to relax. You can complete the knee-to-chest position by following these few steps:

  1. Lie on the ground with both feet straight out in front of you.
  2. Grab your right knee and pull your leg into your chest with your hands on your shinbone.
  3. Avoid lifting your hips to feel the stretch.
  4. Hold this pose for one minute and then repeat with the other leg.

Piriformis Stretch

The piriformis stretch is a stretch our orthopedic back specialist Long Island suggests. The piriformis muscle is located deep in your buttocks. Stretching this muscle through the piriformis stretch can help loosen your lower back. Follow these steps to accomplish the pose:

  1. Place both feet on the floor and bend your knees while laying down.
  2. Put your right ankle on top of your left thigh.
  3. Put your hands underneath your left thigh and pull it in close to your chest.
  4. Hold this position for one minute. Remember to switch sides afterward.

Cat-Cow Stretch

The cat-cow is a stretch is another great stretch our orthopedic back specialist Long Island recommends for your back. It allows your spine to open up, as well as your shoulders, neck, and check. To achieve the cat-cow stretch, follow these steps:

  1. Get down on your hands and knees to create a table top position.
  2. As you slowly inhale, press into your hands and feet while looking forward.
  3. While you exhale, tuck your chin in and arch your back upwards.
  4. Continue switching between these positions as you inhale and exhale.
  5. Perform this stretch for around two minutes.

Sphinx Stretch

One last stretch that can reduce back pain is the sphinx stretch. The sphinx stretch consists of a slight backbend to strengthen your back, buttocks, and chest. The sphinx stretch is composed of the following steps:

  1. Lie on your stomach with your arms at a 90-degree angle. Your elbows should be directly under your shoulders with your hands in front of you. 
  2. Lift your head and chest upwards while keeping your abdominals and lower back strong. 
  3. Gaze straight ahead while holding this pose for one minute.

Contact Our Orthopedic Back Specialist Long Island Today!

If you require a orthopedic back specialist Long Island to help soothe your back pain, then we recommend Dr. Han Jo Kim for the job. He is specially trained to work on all types of back and spinal complications. Contact us if you want to make an appointment with our specialist or have any questions.

Orthopedic Back Specialist Long Island

After trying every nonsurgical way to resolve your back pain, back surgery seems like the only option left. Like any surgery, back surgery comes with its list of cons; however, back surgery can also open up an abundance of opportunities for you that your back pain previously prevented. An exceptional orthopedic back specialist Long Island can help you get the most benefits out of your back surgery so that you can live your life pain-free! If you need back surgery, the office of Dr. Han Jo Kim, MD, can help! At our office, we can ensure that you’ll get top-quality care so you can get back to doing what you love! 

Types of Back Surgery

Depending on your issue, a different type of surgery may be required. Each surgery has varying recovery times. Talk to your orthopedic back specialist Long Island to discuss which back surgery will work best for you.

  • Diskectomy: If you have a herniated disk or a disk has slipped out of place, your doctor may recommend a diskectomy. The surgeon will remove the herniated portion of the affected disk to relieve pain and inflammation of the disk. 
  • Laminectomy: Pain caused by spinal stenosis can be cured with a laminectomy. This procedure enlarges the spinal canal by removing the bone overlying it. This procedure results in reduced pressure on the spinal nerve. 
  • Foraminotomy: If a nerve in the spine becomes compressed, it can cause pain. A foraminotomy can help relieve that pain by widening the space in your spine where the nerve exits your spine.  
  • Spinal Fusion: If you have a degenerative or injured disk, a spinal fusion may be necessary. During a spinal fusion, your surgeon will connect two or more bones in your spine. This procedure will stabilize the spine, relieving pain.
  • Artificial Disks: Another option to fix an injured disk is to replace it with an artificial one. Unlike other surgeries, you should still be able to move your spine after this procedure. The recovery time is also usually shorter than other similar procedures. 

Your orthopedic back specialist Long Island can determine which surgery is necessary based on your needs. Sometimes multiple surgeries will need to be performed at once, depending on the severity of your issue. Even with these downsides, the long-term benefits of back surgery make surgery worth it! 

Long-Term Benefits of Back Surgery

Back surgery can do more than solve your back problems in the short term. The long-term benefits are a huge motivating factor to get surgery. Some benefits of back surgery include:

  • Relief from your pain: The number one reason to get back surgery is to get rid of your back pain. After you recover from the surgery, your back will feel better than ever!  
  • You can take less pain medicine: After your surgery, you can say goodbye to taking powerful painkillers every day! Your pain will soon dissipate, making all that pain medicine unnecessary. Your orthopedic back specialist Long Island may still prescribe pain medication after your surgery, but the surgery will drastically reduce your pain after your recovery period. 
  • Increased mobility: After your surgery, nothing will stop you from bending and stretching your back. As a result, you can become more physically fit as working out won’t be as difficult.
  • Your mood improves: A more obscure but equally important benefit of back surgery is a noticeable improvement in your mood. Severe back pain would give anyone a bad attitude, especially if the pain occurs every day. With the relief of your back pain, your mood will improve as well! 
  • You can go back to work: Another motivating factor in getting back surgery is the ability to go back to work. Without your pain holding you back, returning to the workforce is a possibility. 

If you have chronic back pain and tried all nonsurgical treatments available to you, talk to your orthopedic spine surgeon about back surgery! Don’t let your pain hold you back from living your life!

How An Orthopedic Back Specialist Long Island Can Help

If you need back surgery, nothing less than the best surgeon can do. Choose the office of Han Jo Kim, MD, for your spine surgery. Dr. Kim specializes in all ailments of the spine, making him the best option for your back surgery. Dr. Kim and his team will make sure you get the best care and help you recover as fast as possible. To schedule an appointment with the office of Dr. Han Jo Kim, MD, give us a call or visit our website

Contact Our Orthopedic Back Specialist Long Island

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    In the pursuit of optimal spinal health, having a trusted orthopedic back specialist is paramount. Dr. Han Jo Kim, based in Long Island, emerges as a beacon of expertise in orthopedic and spinal care. This navigates the nuances of his practice, highlighting why he’s the go-to specialist for individuals seeking top-tier orthopedic back care, back doctors, and spine doctor.

    Exploring Dr. Han Jo Kim’s Orthopedic Back Practice

    Dr. Han Jo Kim’s approach to orthopedic back care goes beyond conventional methodologies. Delve into the distinctive aspects of his practice, understanding why his approach is considered revolutionary in the field of orthopedics.

    How Does Dr. Han Jo Kim Tailor Treatment Plans for Orthopedic Back Patients?

    No two orthopedic back cases are alike. Dr. Han Jo Kim’s long island spine specialists commitment to personalized care ensures that each patient receives a tailored treatment plan. This section explores the importance of personalized treatment in orthopedic back care, spine rehabilitation, spine specialist, back and neck pain, and how it contributes to better patient outcomes.

    What Orthopedic and Spinal Conditions Does Dr. Han Jo Kim Treat?

    Orthopedic back specialists often handle a diverse range of conditions. Dr. Han Jo Kim’s expertise extends to various orthopedic and spinal issues. Gain insights into the breadth of his practice, understanding how he addresses everything from chronic back pain, spine care treatment options to complex spinal disorders pain management.

    Why Does Dr. Han Jo Kim Emphasize Non-Surgical Options for Orthopedic Back Issues?

    Surgery is not always the only solution for orthopedic back problems. Dr. Han Jo Kim, a board-certified spine specialist long island prioritizes non-surgical options, offering patients a comprehensive range of choices. Explore how these alternatives contribute to holistic orthopedic back care.

    How Does Dr. Han Jo Kim Utilize State-of-the-art Imaging in Orthopedic Back Diagnoses?

    Modern diagnostic tools are integral to orthopedic back care. Dr. Han Jo Kim leverages state-of-the-art imaging techniques to precisely diagnose orthopedic issues. Whether it’s MRI, CT scans, or X-rays, advanced imaging contributes to accurate diagnoses, enabling Dr. Kim to create tailored treatment plans that address each patient’s unique needs.

    What Sets Dr. Han Jo Kim’s Orthopedic Surgery Techniques Apart?

    Dr. Han Jo Kim employs cutting-edge orthopedic surgery techniques when surgical intervention is necessary. His approach involves minimally invasive procedures whenever possible, reducing recovery times and ensuring optimal outcomes. From spinal stenosis to orthopedic deformities, Dr. Kim’s surgical expertise encompasses a wide array of world-class conditions, such as neck and back pain, spine medicine, interventional pain for patient care with our spine experts.

    Elevating With Our Long Island Spine Specialist

    Dr. Han Jo Kim’s orthopedic back expertise in Long Island stands as a testament to excellence. His practice encapsulates a comprehensive approach to orthopedic back care from personalized treatment plans to embracing state-of-the-art techniques. If you’re in Long Island and in need of an orthopedic back specialist, pain management entrust your spinal health to Dr. Han Jo Kim. Elevate your orthopedic back health with the expertise of a seasoned professional. Remember, your spine deserves the best, and Dr. Han Jo Kim is here to provide just that.