About Han Jo Kim, MD: Best Spine Surgeon NYC

While working as a spine surgeon at the Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS), Dr. Kim, Best Spine Surgeon NYC, mastered his craft. Specializing in cervical spine
and scoliosis surgery, he has helped patients overcome spinal issues and injuries through surgery for many years. After serving as the Director of the Spine Fellowship, Dr. Kim has become the leader and founder of our practice.
Dr. Kim’s time as a spinal surgeon has not fallen exclusively within the United States. He has dedicated time to work as a volunteer surgeon at the FOCUS hospital in Ghana, West Africa. Doing so allowed him to treat some of the rarest and most complex spinal conditions in pediatric and adult patients. Those who find themselves dealing with extremely rare or severe spinal conditions should feel confident coming to our practice for care. Dr. Kim has successfully operated on hundreds of rare and complex spinal deformities and takes this valuable experience into every operation he performs.
Our practice understands how devastating spinal issues can become. We also know that the nature of spinal surgery is extremely invasive. We want our patients to trust that spinal surgery will only be recommended when all of the treatment options have been exhausted. Dr. Kim and the rest of our staff’s primary goal is to get each patient who visits us back to full strength. When surgery is required for this goal, there are few better teams to work with than the one here at Dr. Han Jo Kim’s office.

There are many causes of back pain such as overuse or even sitting and laying down too much. It is important to have a healthy balance. If you have been unfortunate enough to suffer from a back injury, you should consider reaching out to us, Han Jo Kim MD.
People often think that an isolated occurrence or injury is to blame for their back problems. But, a single cause usually can’t be pinpointed, preferably there are several underlying conditions that can contribute to pain in the back area.
Common Causes
- Heavy lifting
- Poor sitting posture
- Frequent bending forward
- Old age
- Obesity
Obviously, these are not the only causes of pain, but they are pretty common among individuals who struggle with this. There are ways to prevent pain but also it could be genetic and there is no way to prevent, only treat. Dr. Han Jo Kim, one of the best spine surgeon NYC will be able to treat your pain and help you feel as good as new.
Why Does Pain Occur?
Heavy Lifting
Repeated heavy lifting in awkward or wrong positions can strain your back muscles and spinal ligaments. If you are in poor physical condition, constant heavy lifting can cause muscle spasms that can be painful. If you feel this happening, make sure to rest your back and apply heat and or ice to the pained area. If the pain continues, make sure to call Dr.Han Jo Kim and he will be sure to treat you.
Poor Sitting Posture
Poor posture will not immediately cause pain to your back. But, over time it could cause changes to your spine which will lead to back aching. It could also cause nerve damage because after a while, the pressure on your spine will cause it to move, causing pain.
Frequent bending forward
The worst posture is sitting and leaning forward. This will cause your pelvis to lock and put pressure on the vertebrae. The further you lean forward, the more wear and tear you put on your discs. To prevent this, make sure to try to move around every 20 minutes to stretch out your back. Especially with working from home you have to make sure you get out on your break and move around. That is the best way to prevent these back aches. Learn more here.
Old Age
As we get older the chances for pain increases. The disks that are between the vertebrae start to rub together causing them to shrink. This will create that pain that no one is looking for. This pain can be excruciating yet there is no way to prevent it. In addition, over time, the space around our spinal cord gets smaller. This condition, known as spinal stenosis, is known for putting pressure on the cord and spinal nerves, creating pain.
Back pain tends to affect about one third of people that are considered obese. When you carry more weight than you’re supposed to, particularly around the midsection, your pelvis will be pulled forward. Every additional pond that you gain will add more strain to your back muscles.
Some At Home Solutions
Try to stretch to strengthen your back muscles. The more flexible you are the more you can move and use your back without feeling that strenuous pain. You can take OTC pain relievers to try and relieve some of the pain. But, if this is going on for a while then I would not recommend taking a pain reliever everyday. It’s not good for you and you will end up building a tolerance and will need more and more of the drug. If your pain is persistent then call Dr. Han Jo Kim and you will be assisted. For more information on ways to treat yourself click here.
Back Doctor NYC
While taking all of the preventative measures listed above and practicing good health, pain may still persist. If this is the case, we urge you to visit our spine surgeon NYC, so that you can get the care you need. We will work to assess your condition and determine a treatment plan that works for you. If you would like your pain to subside, be sure to contact us today!
Scoliosis is a very common condition that causes a sideways curvature of the spine. The condition typically occurs during growth spurts just prior to puberty. If you feel you may have scoliosis, you should check with our spine surgeon NYC. Dr. Han Jo Kim is an educated professional located in this area that specializes in correcting scoliosis in patients.
Causes of Scoliosis:
The Mayo Clinic states that the most common cause of scoliosis remains to be unknown. Researchers feel it may involve hereditary factors; considering it seems to appear commonly in families. Less common types of scoliosis can result from neuromuscular conditions. For example, cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy. Birth defects that may have occurred during the development of the spine and injuries to the spine are believed to be a factor that results in this condition.
What are Signs of Scoliosis?
Besides the most common sign of scoliosis; leaning while you stand, there are a large number of other signs/ symptoms. Some of the most common signs are:
- A visible curve in back
- Shoulders, waist, and hip can look uneven
- One shoulder bald may look bigger than the other side
- Ribs stick out on one side of the body
Not only are there visible symptoms to scoliosis, but there are physical ones as well. Someone suffering from scoliosis is commonly affected by back stiffness and lower back pain. Scoliosis can result in pinched nerves; leading to numbness in one’s legs. Lastly, fatigue is a common sign of scoliosis as well due to muscle strains. If you are experiencing any of these signs you should definitely contact Dr. Han Jo Kim.
Many children are checked for scoliosis at their annual pediatrician visits. This is done by the child leaning over from the waist, so the doctor can check for a curve. The doctor will most likely prescribe an x-ray or MRI to confirm a diagnosis.
Most commonly, children with scoliosis will wear a brace on a daily basis. The brace will not cure this condition or fix previous damage. Instead, it prevents the spine from curving anymore than it already has. The braces are worn both day and night; and are also contoured to fit each child’s body perfectly. The brace is worn until the child completes puberty, and will not grow anymore.
If the severity of the scoliosis is high, a doctor will probably recommend surgery. The surgery will allow the severity of the curve in the spine to be stopped. The most common type of scoliosis surgery is known as a spinal fusion. The spinal fusion is one of Dr. Han Jo Kim’s most well mastered surgeries he performs on his scoliosis patients.
Risk Factors
Research shows some risk factors that can increase one’s chances of having this condition.
- Age: Signs typically arise right before puberty
- Gender: Both males and females develop this condition at the same rate; females have a higher risk of the curve worsening
- Family history: Can run in the family
Give Us A Call Today
Dr. Han Jo Kim also provides a section on his website that allows you to read reviews from his past patients. All of the patients had a great experience with him and wanted to share their stories. The stories range from spine revision surgery to spine fusion, and of course scoliosis.
You should take a look at these stories and see how they relate to you. It may allow you to feel more comfortable and confident about your condition. Reading about others who may have had the same condition as you, and overcame many obstacles will definitely help. After seeing how Dr. Han Jo Kim’s patients thrived after treatment/surgery, you will feel less fearful of any treatments you plan on receiving in the future.
Best Spine Surgeon NYC
If you suffer from any of these symptoms or have any questions about treatment; feel free to contact Dr. Han Jo Kim. Dr. Han Jo Kim has offices located on Long Island and NYC. His main focus for all of his patients to recover fully from all their spine ailments, and feel better than ever. The services he specializes in are cervical spine surgery, scoliosis surgery, and spinal deformity surgery. Besides excelling in all of those areas, one can see that he has won multiple awards since 2005 on his website as well. His office accepts a large variety of different insurances; to help provide aid and treatment to as many patients as he can.
There are many benefits to lifting weights. When you are younger, you gain lean muscle mass, but that starts to diminish over time, and fat replaces it. In order to increase your muscle mass, strength training is recommended. Contact Dr. Han Jo Kim, back doctor NYC, to see how we can help! In addition to gaining muscle mass lifting, weights can also:
- Develop strong bones– stretching your bones and strength training can increase bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
- Manage your weight- help manage or lose weight, and it can increase your metabolism to help you burn more calories.
- Enhance your quality of life- it can improve your ability to do daily tasks. In addition, it can also protect joints from injury. Lastly, it can improve balance leading to a more independent life.
- Manage chronic conditions – can help reduce symptoms of chronic diseases.
- Sharpen your thinking skills – research has shown that regular strength training can help improv3 thinking and learning skills for older folks.

There are many ways to injure yourself from using very heavyweights that you can’t handle to form when lifting. When starting weight lifting, you should begin with a low weight then build your way up. When lifting, having the proper form to complete the motion of the exercise is crucial. If you cannot fit the weights properly without compensating, go to a lower weight and work on your form. While lifting, it might be expected for you to hold your breath and tense up your body. But breathing in and out as you lift the weight up and down can make lifting a little easier. Also, try no to exercise the same muscle two days in a row. Taking breaks to work out other body parts and alternating will allow the muscles to grow stronger.
It might be exciting to hop in and get a good workout, but warming up and stretching before a movement can do much good in the long run. When you get into your main workout, patients are everything. If you work out at a gym, standing in front of a mirror will allow you to see if your form is good. You will experience some sourness, but that can quickly turn to discomforting pain, so it goes without saying, listen to your body. The saying if “ no pain, no gain” can lead you to hurt yourself. So if you feel pain, stop your exercise and take a break, then come back and see if the pain is still there.
Back Doctor NYC
Exercises like deadlifting squatting put a lot of pressure on your lower back. While pushing yourself by going up in weight is good work out not having the proper form, or someone spotting can lead to disaster. Straining from lofting something heavy7 off the ground can cause the spine to twist. The repetitive motion from lifting can cause muscles to tear. In addition, having week abdominal or back muscles can lead to injuries. As always, see your primary care provider first before going to a chiropractor or a physical therapist. Beware of going to a physical therapist, chiropractor, or masseuse. All three of these professionals would most likely give you three different answers, and some of them might not work. So seeing your primary care provider or a spine specialist will ensure you’re not doing guesswork wasting time and money.
Exercise To Build Stronger Back and Abdominal Muscles
Many exercise routines can help you build muscle. Using dumbbells, resistance bands, or body weight can improve strength in the back. The easiest and most common way to build back muscles is by doing pull-ups. Though that workout only works the upper part of the back. For the lower back, a plank, back extension, supine gluteal bridge, bird dog. For a good ab workout, crunches, side hip bridge, seated rotation, and hollow hold. Here are some of the exercises that you can do from the comfort of your home between your gym visits.
Dr. Han Jo Kim – Spine Surgeon NYC
Dr. Han Jo Kim is a very experienced doctor who has a long track record. He is a spine surgeon NYC who specializes in pediatric and adult spine surgery. Dr. Han Jo Kim has worked with some of the best surgeons around the world. As a pain specialist, Dr.Han Jo Kim will help you find the relief you need. To book an appointment or learn more about Dr. Han Jo Kim, visit his website.
Spinal osteotomy is a surgical procedure aiming to relieve pressure on the spinal cord or nerve roots caused by severe scoliosis, degenerative disc disease, or other spine abnormalities. During this procedure, bone from the affected spine area is cut and repositioned to either lengthen or shorten it. This can help to restore proper alignment and reduce compression on the nerves. It’s best to contact Dr. Han Jo Kim, Spine Surgeon NYC, for more information how to treat your Spinal osteotomy.
Different Types Of Spinal Osteotomy

There are different types of spinal osteotomy procedures depending on your specific condition and needs. The most common type involves removing a wedge-shaped part of one vertebrae and then reattaching it in a new position once the correct alignment has been restored. Another method involves cutting both sides of vertebrae to reduce its size, then fusing it to a neighboring vertebra to stabilize the spine.
Before undergoing spinal osteotomy surgery, your doctor will work with you to create a customized treatment plan based on your specific condition and goals. This may involve additional therapies or medications designed to help relieve any discomfort caused by your condition while also helping to prevent further damage. The surgery itself is typically performed under general anesthesia and takes around two hours to complete. While most people can recover fully within four months of their surgery, it’s important to follow all post-operative care instructions closely in order to ensure a healthy recovery.
If you have severe scoliosis or degenerative disc disease that is causing compression of the nerves in your spine, talk to your doctor about whether spinal osteotomy surgery may be a good treatment option for you. With proper care and rehabilitation following your surgery, you should be able to return to all of the activities you enjoy in no time at all.
Spinal osteotomy is a surgical procedure that can relieve pressure on the spinal cord or nerve roots caused by severe scoliosis, degenerative disc disease, or other spine abnormalities. It involves removing a wedge-shaped part of one vertebra and then reattaching it in a new position once the correct alignment has been restored. There are different types of spinal osteotomy procedures depending on your specific condition and needs. Before undergoing this surgery, your doctor will work with you to create a customized treatment plan that may include additional therapies or medications in order to help relieve any discomfort caused by your condition and prevent further damage.
Surgery itself is typically performed under general anesthesia and takes around two hours to complete. While most people can recover fully within four months of their surgery, it’s important to follow all post-operative care instructions closely to ensure a healthy recovery. If you have severe scoliosis or degenerative disc disease that is causing compression on the nerves in your spine, talk to your doctor about whether spinal osteotomy surgery may be a good treatment option for you. With proper care and rehabilitation following your surgery, you should be able to return to all of the activities you enjoy in no time at all.
How To Cope With Spinal Osteotomy Pain
Coping with spinal osteotomy pain can be difficult, but with proper care and rehabilitation, you should be able to recover fully and return to all of the activities you enjoy. Here are a few tips to help you manage your pain:
- Talk to your doctor about your pain medication options and follow their instructions closely.
- Ice the affected area frequently to help reduce inflammation and swelling.
- Apply heat to the area as needed to help relieve stiffness and discomfort.
- Maintain good posture and alignment when standing, sitting, or walking.
- Perform stretching and strengthening exercises as directed by your doctor or physical therapist.
- Take it easy and avoid strenuous activities until your doctor clears you.
With proper care and rehabilitation, you should be able to manage your spinal osteotomy pain and make a full recovery.
Contact Our Spine Surgeon NYC
Suppose you are dealing with severe scoliosis or degenerative disc disease that is causing compression of the nerves in your spine. In that case, Spinal osteotomy surgery may be a good treatment option for you. It’s best to contact Dr. Han Jo Kim, Spine Surgeon NYC, for more information how to treat your Spinal osteotomy.
e most common causes of cervical spine problems are injuries and degenerative disc disease. Other conditions may also cause cervical spine problems, including tumors, infections, or congenital abnormalities. Whatever the origin of your pain in this area of your spine, you can find relief. Here is some information that will help you understand your condition, know what treatments to consider, and decide whether spine surgery is right for you. Contact Dr. Han Jo Kim , NYC back specialist, for more information on how he can help your cervical spine problem!

Injuries can damage the neck’s soft tissues and lead to cervical spine problems. Common traumatic neck injuries include whiplash, a result of an abrupt jerking motion that puts too much pressure on the discs in your neck. Sports injuries are another common source of cervical spine problems, particularly in contact sports like football and hockey. If you are injured in a sports accident, contact HSS, one of new york’s best spine surgery practices.
Causes Of Cervical Spine Problems
Degenerative disc disease is another common cause of cervical spine problems. This condition occurs as your body ages, when the discs between the vertebrae break down with wear and tear. As these discs collapse, they create pain and inflammation that can lead to chronic neck pain. Other conditions may also be responsible for cervical spine problems; tumors or infections can damage nerves and compress bones in this area of your spine, creating pressure on your spinal cord or nerve roots. In some cases, congenital defects present at birth may make you more prone to developing cervical spine problems as you age.
No matter what symptoms you experience or which conditions are responsible for your pain, you can find relief. Your treatment options depend on the severity and location of your neck pain, along with other factors like whether your spine is also unstable or if spinal cord compression is occurring. Options include medications, physical therapy, injections and surgeries to remove damaged discs or fuse bones together.
If you suffer from a cervical spine problem, you must understand your options to choose the right treatment for you. Talk to our Spine Surgeon NYC about what might be causing your pain, what treatments are available to relieve your symptoms, and whether surgery may help treat the cause of your condition as well as its effects. With the right treatment plan for managing cervical spine problems, you can start feeling better and enjoy the activities you love.
How Our Spine Surgeon NYC Can Help!
The causes of cervical spine problems are diverse and may vary widely from person to person. The most common causes include injuries, degenerative disc disease, tumors or infections, and congenital defects. No matter what is causing your pain, you can find relief from this often debilitating condition with the right diagnosis and treatment plan. Talk to our spine doctors in about how to manage your cervical spine problem today.
If you have been diagnosed with a cervical spine problem, it is important to understand the possible causes so that you can choose the right treatment for your needs. The most common causes include injuries, degenerative disc disease, tumors or infections, and congenital defects. You can relieve your pain and start enjoying life again with appropriate diagnosis and treatment. Talk to spine doctors about your options today to learn more about successfully treating cervical spine problems.
If you have been diagnosed with a cervical spine problem, it is important to understand the possible causes so that you can choose the right treatment for your needs. The most common causes include injuries, degenerative disc disease, tumors or infections, and congenital defects. With appropriate diagnosis and treatment, you can relieve your pain and start enjoying life again. Talk to a doctor about your options today to learn more about treating cervical spine problems successfully.
Although the causes of cervical spine problems can vary widely from person to person, there are a few common culprits that may be responsible for your pain. The most common include injuries, degenerative disc disease, tumors or infections, and congenital defects. With an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan in place, you can start feeling better and keep doing the things you love. Talk to your doctor about getting help managing your cervical spine problem with personalized care today.
Dr. Han Jo Kim | Spine Surgeon NYC
If you’re suffering from a cervical spine problem, many possible causes can be to blame. The most common culprits are injuries, degenerative conditions, tumors or infections, and congenital defects. With an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan in place, you can start feeling better and keep doing the things you love. Talk to your doctor about managing your cervical spine problem today for relief from your pain effectively. Contact Dr. Han Jo Kim , NYC back specialist,for more information on how he can help your cervical spine problem!